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98 bytes added, 07:47, 5 May 2018
ZCPR The Z-System (ZPM) is the name for a replacement for CP/M's CCP. It is written in Z80 and is more compact in terms of code size and is replacement which provides much more powerful.Before NZCOM was available, installing ZCPR involved patching CPM2.2 directlyfunctionality.
NZCOM == CPM 2.2 ==* ZCPR is a tool that allows the user to easily install ZCPR.CCP replacement* ZSDOS is a BDOS replacement
Z3PLUS is In the early versions of ZPM, ZCPR was installed by patching CPM2.2, later versions use NZ-COM to make this easy. == CPM+ version of the == The Z-Systemis called Z3PLUS* ZPM3 is a BDOS replacement* ZCCP is a CCP replacement that implements ZCPR 3.3