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3 bytes added, 09:43, 31 July 2018
/* On MiST-board CoreAmstrad version */
*'''Pinball_Dreams__PREVIEW.DSK''': Does run in experimental/ versions r005.8.9.2 and r005.9.11e (experimental forked version of r005.9.11 using flag FPGAmstrad_amstrad_motherboard.vhdl.HACK_Z80=false). Does freeze in !experimental versions when background music is special (not long classic background music) and you press two buttons (left/right flipper keys) at the same time, ok in r005.8.14 (using default OSD value : MEM_WR=quick). Scrolling text is OK in r005.8.16c4 but still one garbage line at top of main game (CRTC1 offset ?). Back and really nice in r005.8.16.1
*'''Fres Fighter II Turbo.dsk''': FDC problem, cannot be launched.
*'''Seascape.dsk''': Devilmarkus, using scandb50Hz and MEM_wr=slow, does display, but a flower petal at bottom is drawn in blue. A good raster test. Test on real 6128 [ forum: Seascape CPC by Impact - on original CPC 6128 ?] - by Emashzed : type 1 is perfect (no blue on bottom right flowers, no blue on middle triangle rock), type 2 has bright cyan squares (one on bottom right flowers, and one on middle triangle rock. Calibrated OK in r005.8.16.5 using OSD VGA:scandb50Hz.
[[File:Seaspace-type1_MiST-board_CoreAmstrad-r005.8.16.5|thumbnail|Seascape (type 1) - r005.8.16.5]]
*'''Megablasters[original].dsk''': has a 2 pixels glich border on left side. Certainly final HSYNC offset problem, as on Super Cauldron normaly the right (not left) border has to be selected to get a nice bottom bar in game (actually too centered)