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727 bytes added, 11:54, 27 October 2018
/* Technical */
* v9990 seems to have a 1 byte read buffer. Setting a partial address and the reading vram will return the data from the previous address for the first read, but further reads returns correct values. This is only true of r3 and r4. e.g. set r3,r4,r5 to &80000. Now set r3 to 1. First read will come from &000000, second and subsequent reads now come from &000001. Now set r4 to 2. First read comes from &000001, second and subsequent reads come from &000201. Now set r5 to 3. First read comes from &030201, subsequent reads come from &030201.
* With the command engine, tested on PSET currently (but to be confirmed for other commands):
a) P1 mode is always 256 pixels wide, 4bpp (width (XIMM) and bpp (CLRM) settings with R6 are ignored). Therefore logical vram address of Y is defined as: (256/2)*y.
b) P2 mode is always 512 pixels wide, 4bpp (width (XIMM) and bpp (CLRM) settings with R6 are ignored). Therefore logical vram address of Y is defined as: (512/2)*y
c) In bitmap mode width (XIMM) and bpp (CLRM) settings are used. HSCN and C25M are ignored. Therefore logical vram address of Y is defined as: XIMM/4 when 2bpp, XIMM/2 when 4bpp, XIMM when 8bpp and XIMM*2 when 16bpp.
c) For the command-engine, standby mode is identical in operation to the bitmap mode.