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251 bytes added, 18:16, 13 January 2019
/* Drivers */
GSX.SYS - The device independent part of GSX.
== Drivers and ASSIGN.SYS ==
Vendors provided platform specific drivers which implemented GSX.
ASSIGNAmstrad/Locomotive provided DDMODE0.SYS is a text file which must exist along side gsxPRL, DDMODE1.sys PRL and DDMODE2.PRL which contains the mapping implement drivers for each of device to driverthe CPC's screen modes.
Example content:ASSIGN.SYS is a text file which must exist along side gsx.sys and which contains the mapping of device id to the driver that implements that GSX device. When you program GSX you open a device by it's id.
Example content of ASSIGN.SYS  01 @:DDSCREENDDMODE0.PRL