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86 bytes added, 23:31, 12 November 2006
;### IDE48B -> set 48bit address
;### Eingabe Input IX[32-47],HL[16-31],DE[0-15]=Sectornumber, A=SDH, B=Number of Sectors;### (you should reset the upper 8bits of the sector count register first)
;### Output CF=0 -> ok
;### CF=1 -> A=error code (...)
dec c ;1
out (c),e ;4 LBA 00-07
ld bc,ideprtsdh dec c ;31
pop de ;3
out (c),d ;4 Sector count
ld bc,ideprtsdh ;3
out (c),e ;4 write SDH Register (high bytes)
dec c ;1
dec c ;1
out (c),h ;4 LBA 24-31
dec c ;1
out (c),d ;4 Sector count
ret ;3 -> 77 microseconds
ide48b1 pop bc ;Return on Error