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LCD monitor and LCD TV Solution (RGB)

47 bytes added, 14:07, 21 August 2022
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=== Pitfall #1: power adapter ===
If you want to connect the CPC to anything but an Amstrad monitor you also need to provide a new power adapter, as the CPC does not have its own power adapter and relied on its original monitor. More information about this can be found herein the article [[Power Supply for CPC and CPC plus]].
=== Pitfall #2: Screen lag ===
Many LCD TV sets offer a SCART connector, which often accepts the CPC signal directly. All you need is a CPC-to-Scart cable that you can either build yourself, or buy on Ebay for not too much money. Especially if you wnt a distinct monitor for your retro corner anyway, this can be a pretty nice and cheap solution. Used 15" camping TV sets have just the right size to feel comfortable and can be bought for a few bucks on Ebay or your local classifieds.
Your only enemy here is: screen lag. Some of the LCD TVs perform almost liek like CRTs, others seem to include a SCART2HDMI converter, and they have a bad lag (see below).
==== LCD computer monitors ====
tldr; DON'T. USE. THEM.
Scart2HDMI converters are the cheapest and most simple solution. Make sure they (really) support RGB and not only compositve composite video, like the cheapest SCART2HDMI converters usually do. Real RGB converters start at around 30€ (2022). They will usually work and you will probably first think, that this is perfect, but they usually add a hefty lag to your screen, easily 120ms or 6 frames.
Avoid Scart2HDMI converters for gaming. It's fine if you only want to do a bit of BASIC programming or play adventures, but it's not good for action games.