

108 bytes added, 14:56, 30 December 2008
Corrected some spelling errors. Little update.
== User Interface ==
The user interface (UI) of FutureOS presents the user with three fixed sectrionssections: an icon section (upper half of screen), a file -name display and selection section (lower half of screen) and a message line (bottom). The user can browse through directories of discs and hard-disc partitions. A  cursor arrow is used to select devices, functions or files; this cursor arrow can be controlled with a joystick, mouse, trackball, light-pen or the Grafpad II.
Applications can call the UI as a subroutine. Use the OK icon to return to calling application. The icons are fixed, so the layout remains stable throughout its useon every CPC.
Files can be viewed on-screen (scroll up and down) or printed. File headers can also be viewed. When typing a text file it is possible to set the number of columns and lines of the window the text is displayed in.