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CPC Schneider International

No change in size, 15:56, 13 August 2006
Schedule: Monthly/Bi-Monthly<br>
Price: 6 DM (3.07 €)
First issue: 1985-03/1985<br>
Last issue: 1992/1993 ?<br>
The second and third rename happened after Schneider Computer Division stopped distributing the CPC computers in Germany and Amstrad stepped in. The magazine was named "PC Amstrad/Schneider International" for a short time and to "PC Amstrad International" later.
As of 1991-10/1991, the published decided to drop the PC section and concentrate on the CPCs and PCWs/Joyces only, so the magazine was renamed a fourth and last time: "CPC Amstrad International".
== The early years ==
The magazine started in 1985-03 /1985 as '''CPC Schneider International'''. ''Schneider'' because the Amstrad CPCs were sold as Schneider CPCs in Germany and ''International'' because the magazine had contacts to other publishers abroad.
The early years also were the best in the magazines lifetime: The CPC was selling quite well in Germany and as the magazine lived from readers participating (All listings printed were sent in by readers before) there was enough content to print. The hardware and software test sections were well supported by the hardware vendors and software distributors and there were enough advertisers to ensure the magazine earned money.