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User:CPM User

173 bytes added, 07:22, 2 September 2012
:Hey man! Welcome to the wiki! You've been greatly missed mate... please do drop by the forum! [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 07:32, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
== These Days ==
== Not Always Smooth Sailer ==I feel I want to contribute to the scene with the aid of writing Turbo Pascal programs and applying Machine Code routines to those programs to generate something inbetween the quality of an Assembly program and BASIC program!
In the past Several Scene members and flamers were subjected addition to criticism as a result from me being over my head or naturally taking things personally. When Turbo Pascal I look back 'm looking at those things another Amstrad Pascal Compiler. Hisoft Pascal 4T which is slightly older than Turbo Pascal again, though compiles programs under AMSDOS. Unfortunately while I feel like CP/M 2.2 and Turbo Pascal 3 and it was more of a learning curve's abilities, making mistakes by responding with some kind of anger with it. I can only ever feel sorry about what's happened.drawback is it only compiles CP/M  These days I feel "com" files. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it just seems CP/M community don't appreciate this, I want to contribute to the scene with 've had some other issues in the aid of writing Turbo Pascal programs and applying Machine Code routines way CP/Mhandles itself on a 64k system which makes it annoying to those programs to generate something inbetween the quality of an Assembly program and BASIC program!use if it's a 1 Disc setup. :(