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Speccy Port

902 bytes removed, 12:49, 1 October 2012
/* Graphics */
* The pixel data and colours are stored in a different way than the CPC, so some conversion must be done before the graphics can be used. Either the graphics are remade, or often converted through some automatic process.
 Yet the common mask tecnique for sprites implies that another set of 1bpp sprites is needed for each sprites... totaling 2bpp (bit per pixels...) Amstrad could actually use one ink (colour) The following sections describe possible ways to mask sprites, hence handle the mundane 2bpp mode1 could getSprites masks with almost no extra DATA in RAM (just a few extra routines...).  Full masked games graphics on Spectrum then have the same weight as Amstrad games concerning masked Graphical Data (often the case in monocoloured games or isometric games...) As a result, games like Head over Heals or HeroQuest (isometric) or Shadow of the beast (2D but masked sprites, and parralax scrolling meaning even some masked background tiles...) could easily get the proper recode of Sprites/Tiles in 2bpp for close to no extra RAM used by DATAs.. Anyway due to "lazyness", some speccy Ported games still use 1bpp masks on CPC (the same as on speccy...) becauyse such ports had to be done in less than 2-3 weeks by a lone coder with no Grapician extras...
====Techniques used for Graphics====