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Dobbertin Smart Watch

2 bytes removed, 23:22, 13 December 2012
/* Dallas Semiconductors SmartWatch */
The 28pin '''SmartWatch''' (DS1216) is an adapter that can inserted in standard ROM sockets, a ROM chip can be mounted on the adapter, finally, inside of the adapter is a 16pin '''Phantom Time Chip''' (DS1315). Normal memory reads are forwarded to the piggyback ROM. After reading from a specific sequence of addresses, the ROM is disabled, and data is instead read from the Phantom Chip via 1bit databus. Writing to the Phantom Chip is done by reading from a specific sequence of addresses, too.
* [[Media:DS1216-smart-watch.pdf|DS1216-smart-watch.pdf]] - Dallas Datasheet for '''28pin Smart Watch SmartWatch Adapter'''
* [[Media:DS1315-phantom-time-chip.pdf|DS1315-phantom-time-chip.pdf]] - Dallas Datasheet for '''16pin Phantom Time Chip'''
* [[Media:DS1216-app-note-52.pdf|DS1216-app-note-52.pdf]] - Dallas Application Note on Smart Watch SmartWatch and Phantom Time Chip
=== 64bit packets ===