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25 bytes added, 21:48, 14 March 2013
/* Requirements */
== Requirements ==
The core of the OS needs 64 KB ROM. Compatible products are EPROM-cards, the [[MegaFlash]], [[Inicron ROM-RAM-Box|ROM-RAM-BOX]], [[SYMBiFACE II|SYMBiFACE II]], [[Ramcard 128|RAMcard]], Jareks [[CPC.Flash|Flash-ROM]], [[MegaROM]] or similar products. If you don't own such a card, you can take a look at '''FutureOS''' by using a compatible CPC Emulator ([[JavaCPC|JavaCPC]], [[WinCPC|WinCPC]], [[CaPriCe|Caprice]], [[WinApe|WinApe]], [[!CPCemu|CPCEmu]])or others.
The core of the OS itself is executed directly in (Pseudo-)ROM or [[Dobbertin EPROM 224|EPROM]] (in four 16 KB blocks). It jumps between the ROMs with the help of a little common area. Therefore the numbers of the four 16 KB ROMs are hardcoded, but the jumps are very quick.