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169 bytes added, 16:47, 24 December 2014
/* TODO : Another disk selector */
You can power Amstrad CPC using extension port, applying 5v. By doing it, power down button of Amstrad doesn’t run. Using this way you reach a common 5v power between starter-kit and Amstrad. I connected wires from extension port directly to FPGA, as they are used just for listening.
=== TODO DONE: Another disk selector ===
Actually In first version of FPGAmstrad (NEXYS2) I use used switches for disk selection. As final FPGA platform doesn't have any switches set, I have to add an BASIC instruction for it, something like "OUT &CAFE,disk_number" could be fine. Since FPGAmstrad in NEXYS4, disk selection is done from keyboard, using "OUT &CAFE,disk_number" instruction.A reset key was added also.
=== TODO : A real disk drive ===