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5,671 bytes added, 08:36, 10 December 2015
/* Source code */
It's a true final platform.
== MiST-board - Core Developer's Notes ==
Here, you'll find all the Amstrad MiST Core development strategy : deployment of FPGAmstrad project on this lovely MiST-board final FPGA platform.
You'll find also the Amstrad MiST Core source code.
Goto [ MiST-board : CoreDocAmstrad] if you want to test final version of CoreAmstrad running on MiST-board platform (a final-user platform)
=== From Xilinx to Altera schematics ===
For me, global schematics are really important, for developing and for deploying.
A schematic developed in order to be comparable to original documentation schematic is nice. FPGAmstrad is composed of 3 schematics :
* amstrad_motherboard : comparable to original Amstrad schematic.
* amstrad_video : does manage a true VGA output, using a internal VRAM.
* bootloader_sd : sdcard bootloader, in order to load ROM and dsk at boot, from sdcard.
As Xilinx schematics are not compatible with Altera, I do generate "vhf" files, and rename them :
* FPGAmstrad_amstrad_motherboard.vhd
* FPGAmstrad_amstrad_video.vhd
* FPGAmstrad_bootloader_sd.vhd
And then I make a global schematic in Altera, that contains the previous components, and several MiST-board controlers :
* FPGAmstrad_amstrad_motherboard.vhd
* FPGAmstrad_amstrad_video.vhd
* FPGAmstrad_bootloader_sd.vhd
* sdcard.v
* user_io.v
* data_io.v
* sdram.v
* osd.v
I create then a main clock component, generating all clocks I want even the not clocks (a good practice, while using "time constraints"),
I also add some adapters, about wire/bus range solving :
* MIST_SDRAM.vhd : each SDRAM has a different RAM bus size
* MIST_DQM.vhd : just a small wiring helper
* MIST_RGB.vhd : each VGA output has different count of colors
* MIST_STATUS.vhd : mapping status wires
* CONF_STR.vhd : generating OSD parameter
=== Xilinx to Altera ===
While generating vhf files from Xilinx Schematics, a lot of small components have to be adapted :
* INV component became 'not' instruction
* AND2 component became 'and' instruction
* OR2 component became 'or instruction
* GND component became '0' value
* VCC component became '1' value
The internal RAM, sync and async (with one or two clocks) are to adapt, I use mem_altera_gen.vhd for this purpose.
=== Special things done during deploy ===
sdram.v is personalized in order to solve address **after** the write or read event. It is due to Amstrad that permit writing in RAM hidden inside ROM : if I read I read ROM, if I write I write RAM.
sdram.v is also personalized in order having a clkref lower than 4MHz.
=== RAM optimization ===
Some efforts done about internal RAM.
As I could not do enter my 32KB VRAM, I used a 16KB+8KB+4KB VRAM, to display the 640x480 output, scanning my 800x600 VRAM : bottom of my VRAM is useless for a 640x480 display.
At this step, I have 0KB of internal RAM free. Now let's do appear 16KB more in order to deploy fully my FPGAmstrad project !
RAM inferred : [in Altera reg is inferred into RAM-block]( ([ more]), so a reg written like this :
reg [7:0] dir_entry_reg [31:0]
became RAM-block.
In data_io.v : dir_entry_reg does use /**synthesis noprune**/ in order to be not unwired. If I remove output dir_entry_d, RAM-block is inferred. If I let output dir_entry_d, LOGIC-block is inferred.
So I removed output dir_entry_d and set :
(* ramstyle = "logic" *) reg [7:0] dir_entry_reg [31:0] /* synthesis noprune */;
So I continue winning my 1KB internal RAM-block (here 256 Bytes was needed and turn into inferred LOGIC-block)
In sdcard.v
reg [7:0] buffer [511:0];
is a big reg and really important one (speaking to ARM SPI !), so I let it inferring into RAM-block.
But about cid and csd I does :
(* ramstyle = "logic" *) reg [7:0] cid [15:0];
(* ramstyle = "logic" *) reg [7:0] csd [15:0];
Winning 2KB of internal RAM for this small 128Bytes reg :)
In VRAM_Palette, I had 16KB. But in fact a raster line is a 2+16+1 RAM palette line, so each line I store 19KB, so in fact 19*600/2=5700 bytes (800x600 VRAM in fact thruly 800x300). So only a 8KB RAM palette only was needed in FPGAmstrad project finally.
At this step I won 10KB of internal RAM (I need 6KB more to succeed in my full FPGAmstrad deployment)
I can nibble 2KB more at end of RAM palette, that's what I does.
Now I have 12KB of internal RAM free :)
And 4KB in VRAM :
800x600=100*300=30KB full
800x480=100*240=24000 24000-16384=7616<8KB=8192
so VRAM with a start vertical offset can be composed of 16KB+8KB only. So I won my last 4KB here.
I did patch my simple_GateArrayInterrupt component by parametering vertical offset :
GA_interrupt : simple_GateArrayInterrupt
generic map (VRAM_Voffset=>38*8-30*8-4*8+4 +0 +15) -- MiST +15 ?
I also patched my aZRaEL_vram2vgaAmstradMiaow component by parametering vertical offset :
XLXI_476 : aZRaEL_vram2vgaAmstradMiaow
generic map (VOFFSET_NEGATIF =>0, -- MiST 0
Now I can use my 16KB free RAM in VRAM double buffer. Reaching a full FGPAmstrad project deploy on MiST-board, unlocking others games : it is what is done in realise 002 of Amstrad core. I tested ChaseHQ does now run fine.
=== Source code ===
Compiling OK in Quartus II 13.0 (Altera IDE), and a few in ISE Design Suite 14.7 (Xilinx IDE) - I have to report back some modifications from my deploy platform(Altera MiST-board) to my dev platform (Xilinx NEXYS4 from Digilent Inc.)
== Source code ==