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UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

916 bytes added, 08:09, 15 February 2017
[[File:All board BOM.csv|framed|All Board BOM]]
== Putting it all together ==
Here is a table summarising your options for connecting a uIDE device to your computer.
[[File:UIDE connection options.JPG|500px||left|]]
Choose one option from each column. Some guidance notes:
* Expansion adapters connect to the rear edge connector of your PCW or 6128. Choose one if you don't want to fit the uIDE internally or your Z80 is not socketed.
* Z80 shims are for general purpose use and will fit any Z80 machine with a socketed processor. Choose LHS or RHS dependant on the space and orientation of the CPU in your machine.
* Direct connection (between the host adapter and uIDE device) means soldering the Z80 bus header pins on each board directly together. Note, some combinations may prevent this, or may require odd orientation of the two cards.
* The IDE device can plug directly into the uIDE board. Angled IDC connectors are recommended when building the board.
== Prices ==