

127 bytes removed, 17:53, 15 March 2015
/* Tests done */
Gryzor and Prince of Percia use rupture ink/mode (changing ink and mode during display of one image), it is now supported on "candidate 002" version of FPGAmstrad
Crazycars2.dsk first car image use 32Ko of VRAM, it is now supported on "candidate 001" version of FPGAmstrad. OK in NEXYS4, KO in MiST (MiST version has 16Ko VRAM only (16Ko mirror (only C000-FFFF is scanned) and 16Ko+8Ko+4Ko displayed)
Ghouls'n'Ghost.dsk / Ecole.dsk does need RAM write when writing in ROM (RAM is beside ROM, hard to emulate with asynchronous SDRAM controler, MiST does use a hacked synchronous RAM done for that)
A lot of demos don't pass in NEXYS4 FPGAmstrad's version (I need to implement back the SDRAM hacked in MiST board FPGAmstrad version). [ CPCRULES demos] is a cool ressource as it contains simple dsk formats.