Last modified on 30 July 2009, at 08:20


Revision as of 08:20, 30 July 2009 by CPCLER (Talk | contribs)

COMAL (COMmon Algorithmic Language) is a computer-programming language developed in Denmark by Benedict Løfstedt and Børge Christensen in 1973.

COMAL is a combination of the at the time dominant programming languages for educational purposes, BASIC and Pascal. The intention was to introduce a structured approach to programming where BASIC normally was used.

The programming language described was designed to remedy the weaknesses of BASIC by adding structured constructs and other desirable improvements, while retaining the major features and overall spirit of BASIC. Comal80 is proposed as an introductory programming language for schools.

Comal is like BASIC an interpreted language. And interpreters was available for a wide range of platforms.

The Amstrad CPC had two version available.

A generic CP/M version and a native version.

The native version was programmed by Freddy Dan Dalgas Kristiansen and distributed through his company Dalgasoft. It was available on tape, disc and rom.

Because of the structured nature, Comal80 was often compared to BBC Basic.

Besides Denmark, Comal80 was frequently used in schools in Scotland.


  • (Original danish version - zipped dsk image)

