Last modified on 24 February 2018, at 13:06


Revision as of 13:06, 24 February 2018 by Arnoldemu (Talk | contribs)

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The 8Bit-Network was initiated by Thorsten Mitschele (Kangaroo MusiQue) in 1994 and was a fido-based Network. The Net-Address was 88:88/0.

A few Bullein Board Systems participated with the 8Bit-Net and there are still a few online, if the informations on the 8Bit-Net Homepage is correct. Wolfgang Noisternig (The Cranium) now runs and manages the 8Bit-Network and the Homepage (last updated in 2000)

Nodes / Hubs and Hosts

Contact Information

Wolfgang Noisternig
FidoNet (2:244/6330)
