Last modified on 2 July 2010, at 15:35

PC Amstrad International

Revision as of 15:35, 2 July 2010 by Morn (Talk | contribs) (Covers)

A German magazine for the CPC.

This magazine is the continuation of PC Schneider / Amstrad International under a new name.

With the issue 10/11-1991, the name changed to CPC Amstrad International.


Magazine Name : PC Amstrad International
Publisher : DMV, Eschwege, Germany
Language : German
Price : 6 DM (3.07 €)
First Issue : 05 - 1988
Last Issue : 08/09 - 1991


CPC Schneider International magazines
Regular issues CPC Schneider International (1985–86) ~ CPC + PC Schneider International (1986) ~ PC Schneider International (1987–88) ~ PC Amstrad / Schneider International (1988) ~ PC Amstrad International (1988–91) ~ CPC Amstrad International (1991–93)
Special issues (Sonderhefte) CPC Schneider International Sonderheft (1986–88) ~ CPC International Sonderheft (1988–90)
Software Databox (cassettes/disks)