Last modified on 4 September 2010, at 08:36

Amstrad/Schneider Printer Buttons and DIP Switches

Revision as of 08:36, 4 September 2010 by Nocash (Talk | contribs)

DMP4000 Mechanics.jpg

DIP Switch Settings

DMP1 DIP Switches
Function Off = High = 1 On = Low = 0 Software
DS1-1 International characters Bit0

7=off:off:off=USA (default)
3=on:off:off=United Kingdom

Cannot be changed by software
DS1-2 International characters Bit1
DS1-3 International characters Bit2
DS1-4 CR Function CR only (default) CR & LF Affects chr(0Dh)

NLQ401 DIP Switches
Function Off = High = 1 On = Low = 0 Software
DS1-1..8 Reserved DS1 is not installed, DS1-1..7 floating (without pull-up), DS1-8 hardwired to GND (On)
DS2-1 Page length 11 inch (default) 12 inch Can be also changed via ESC "C" (at least on Epsons, no idea if on NLQ401, too?)
DS2-2 International characters Bit0

2=off:on=United Kingdom
3=off:off=USA (default)

Can be also changed via software ?
DS2-3 International characters Bit1
DS2-4 Zero character Slashed (default) Unslashed Affects chr(30h)
DS2-5 1 inch skip perforation Invalid/Disable (default) Valid/Enable Can be also changed via ESC "N"/ESC "O" (at least on Epsons, no idea if on NLQ401, too?)
DS2-6 Not used Unused Unused (default) -
DS2-7 CR Function CR+LF CR only (default) Affects chr(0Dh)
DS2-8 SLCT IN Exchange External Internally fixed (default) ?
DMP2000/DMP2160/DMP3000/DMP3160/DMP4000 DIP Switches
Function Off = High = 1 On = Low = 0 Software
DS1-1 International characters Bit0

0=USA, 1=France, 2=Germany, 3=United Kingdom, 4=Denmark, 5=Sweden, 6=Italy, 7=Spain

Can be also changed via ESC "R"
DS1-2 International characters Bit1
DS1-3 International characters Bit2
DS1-4 CR Function CR only (default) CR & LF Affects chr(0Dh)
DS1-5 Paper out sensor Enable Disable Can be also changed via ESC "8"/ESC "9"
DS1-6 Page length 11 inch 12 inch Can be also changed via ESC "C"
DS1-7 DMP2xxx Code Unit 8 units (MSB=CentronicsPin9) On=7 units (MSB=0) "set this for Apple computers" Can be also changed via ESC "#"/ESC "="/ESC ">"
DS1-8 DMP2xxx Default Character Set Epson Standard Epson NLQ Can be also changed via ESC "x"
DS1-7 DMP3xxx,DMP4000 Default Character Set Bit0 Charset (3=Epson Standard, 2=Epson NLQ, 1=IBM #1, 0=IBM #3) Can be also changed via ESC "x" and ESC "m"
DS1-8 DMP3xxx,DMP4000 Default Character Set Bit1
DS2-1 Zero character Unslashed Slashed Affects chr(30h)
DS2-2 Default skip perforation Disable Enable Can be also changed via ESC "N"/ESC "O"
DS2-3 Buffer mode Character Graphics ?
DS2-4 Buffer mode Character/Graphics (use DS2-3 setting) Download (=UserDefCharset) Must be On for ESC "&"
DS2-5 SLCT IN signal Not sent Automatically sent ?
DS2-6 Alarm beeper Disable Enable Affects chr(07h) and/or Paper-Out alarm (?)
DS2-7 Default typeface Bold off Condensed & bold on ???
DS2-8 Default typeface Condensed off Bold on ???
DS2-9 Do not use
DS2-10 Do not use
DMP3250di Extra RS232 DIP-switches
DS3-1 Baudrate Bit0 0=9600, 1=4800, 2=2400, 3=1200, 4=600, 5=300, 6=200, 7=150 bps
DS3-2 Baudrate Bit1
DS3-3 Baudrate Bit2
DS3-4 Parity On/Off Enable Disable
DS3-5 Parity Even/Odd Odd Even
DS3-6 Data Bits 7bit 8bit
DS3-7 Stop Bits 1bit 2bit
DS3-8 Handshake Bit0 0=RTS(Ready/Busy), 1=Série(XON/XOFF), 2=Série(ETX/ACK), 3=Reserved)
DS3-9 Handshake Bit1
DS3-10 Interface Centronics/Parallel Serial/RS2322
LQ3500/LQ5000 DIP Switches
Function Off = High = 1 On = Low = 0 Software
DS1-1 International characters Bit0

0=USA, 1=France, 2=Germany, 3=United Kingdom, 4=Denmark, 5=Sweden, 6=Italy, 7=Spain

Can be also changed via ESC "R"
DS1-2 International characters Bit1
DS1-3 International characters Bit2
DS1-4 Page length 11 inch 12 inch Can be also changed via ESC "C"
DS1-5 Skip perforation Disable Enable Can be also changed via ESC "N"/ESC "O"
DS1-6 Alarm beeper Disable Enable Affects chr(07h) and/or Paper-Out alarm (?)
DS1-7 Default Character Set Standard/Draft LQ Letter Quality Can be also changed via ESC "x"
DS1-8 SLCT IN signal Not sent Automatically sent ?
DS2-1 Paper out sensor Enable? Disable? Can be also changed via ESC "8"/ESC "9"
DS2-2 CR Function CR only (default) CR & LF Affects chr(0Dh)
DS2-3 Zero character Unslashed Slashed Affects chr(30h)
DS2-4 Reserved - - -
DS2-5 Character Set Epson IBM#2 ...
DS2-6 Unused - - -
DS2-7 Auto loading Enable Disable ...
DS2-8 Reserved - - -
LQ3500di/LQ5000di Extra RS232 DIP-switches
DS3-1 Baudrate Bit0 0=9600, 1=4800, 2=2400, 3=1200, 4=600, 5=300, 6=200, 7=150 bps

default = 9600 = all off

DS3-2 Baudrate Bit1
DS3-3 Baudrate Bit2
DS3-4 Parity Even/Odd Odd Even
DS3-5 Parity On/Off Disable Enable
DS3-6 Data Bits 8bit 7bit
DS3-7 Handshake Bit0 3=off:off=Parallel/Centronics
1=off:on=Serial RTS read/busy
0=on:on=Serial Etx/Ack
DS3-8 Handshake Bit1