Last modified on 26 September 2006, at 05:34


Revision as of 05:34, 26 September 2006 by MiguelSky (Talk | contribs)

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CPCLoader is not an emulator exactly. CPCGamesCD is the main objective of CPCLoader: a CDRom containing a navigable database with all the games of Amstrad/Schneider CPC, similar to Mame32, including screenshots of the games and information about publisher, year, type of game...

But CPCLoader is not only a frontend. It includes tools for extract/create dsk images and create new games collections. The internal emulators (Caprice32 and Arnold at the moment) support autotype feature: if you want to play a game only select it in the Explore window and it loads automatically !!

CPCLoader is developed by TroelsK and CPCGamesCD and its screenshots are compiled by MiguelSky.

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