Last modified on 6 March 2013, at 13:03


Revision as of 13:03, 6 March 2013 by TFM (Talk | contribs) (Advantages)

The 6 MHz CPC is a DIY hardware modification which allows to run the CPC6128 with a CPU speed of 6 MHz instead of the usual 4 MHz.


The 16 MHz crystal of the CPC is replaced by a 24 MHz crystal. Both crystals should kept on the main board, but a switch (2 lines at least, better 3) selects between them. You have to select the CPU and bus speed before you switch on the CPC. Switching the speed while the system is switched on is not advised. None of the authors of this article is responsible for danger on your CPC, in case you try to use this DIY.


  • Z80 runs with 6 MHz
  • Bus runs with 6 MHz
  • FDC is 50% faster
  • Disc formats with 50% more sectors can be used
  • Sound can be better, since the PSG runs more quickly
  • Games run more fluid
  • Graphics are better, pixel are about 1/3 smaller in X
  • By adjusting the CRTC an higher frame rate can be used (75 Hz)


  • FDC can't read old disc formats any longer
  • The horizontal timing of the CRTC is affected. In order to get a stable image, you need to program register 0 at 95 (96 characters line) and Register 2 at 61 (centering for 40 characters default)
  • Pixels pitch is 66.7% of their original pitch.Theses pictures show this fact (320×200 mode 1 pixels with black border)
  • Not every hardware expansion is able to work with the 6 MHz bus speed
  • Sound must be reprogrammed


  • A lot of games run well with 6 MHz. For example: Nebulus, StarFox, Starstrike and others.
  • There is a 6 MHz version of FutureOS

Measurement of speed

  • This speed improvement is 16.66667%.This has been tested with this simple program :
10 i = 0
20 after 500 goto 100
25 cls
30 i = i +1
40 ? i
50 goto 30
100 end

Score is 258 on normal CPC versus 301 on 24 MHz CPC.

(Theses results can be subject to discussion as we are not sure interrupts timing is not affected)