

384 bytes removed, 12:23, 9 January 2018
/* simple and over-documented */
==== simple and over-documented ====
As the original, it is using simple components :
* simple VGA: it is using a 640x480 centered VGA display at 60Hz. As the VGA hello world. A special RAM is used to be written at the Z80 speed and readden at VGA speed.* simple DSK: a dsk here is simply flatten into RAM parts. DSK is read only (you can write into deployed DSK in RAM, but not save it back into SDCARD)
* simple bootloader: the bootloader is read-only, loading data using SPI protocol, and slave of a FAT32 state machine deploying this data into RAM just before turning on Z80.
* simple disk selection: the first disk is inserted at boot, and the "page-up" bottom does reset+insert the next disk. If no more disk left, the first disk is inserted back (Carousel). Pressing "page-up" a long time does a sort of "random disk insert".* simple GateArray : just implementing one version of Amstrad GateArray : the CRTC0.only
==== Xilinx schematics ====