

9 bytes added, 22:37, 9 January 2018
/* Why I destroyed the PPL */
Then I tryed, as on MiST-board version to manage all clocks from an unique PPL (good practice !), centering all clocks on one component, removing counter and also all logical "NOT" on clocks wires (good practice !), resulting then... in a electronic circuit that does not enter inside my FPGA chip. Damn.
So I go back to dark side, removing PPL. Recalibrating all clocks (this time "rising_edge against falling_edge" instead of "same edges" per component's process), and thinking "no more problems around Time Constraints, no more problems around". And you know what ? I got that :
WARNING:Route:464 - The router has detected a very dense, congested design. It is extremely unlikely the router will be able to finish the
design and meet your timing requirements. To prevent excessive run time the router will change strategy. The router will now work to