

46 bytes added, 20:57, 19 July 2023
/* Nov 2009 (53) */
I was very keen to buy it for £15, feeling sorry for him and using it as my "experiment" with PS2 Disc Read Errors - "DRE", following [ - How to Repair a Malfunctioning Playstation 2; Fix Disc Read Errors] web site and it worked perfectly!! Afterwards, I've decided to give it a very thoroughly cleaning from both the inside & out of PS2, giving it a very good polished, as it was very filthy, full of hair & dust, as well some cigarette ashes, as he smokes!
Using this 3rd PS2 at the moment with the existing setup in Photo #30 - http[https://onwww.fbfacebook.mecom/wgIoEy photo/?fbid=124428475244&set=a.107643135244 Photo #30] except with Maxtor 200GB HDD and keeping the 2nd PS2 with Maxtor 300GB HDD in PS2 Network Adaptor in the attic as backup.