
How to use VIM for CrossDev

360 bytes added, 10:36, 17 April 2008
/* VIM configuration */ Added ftdetect file
== Z80 syntax highlight file ==
Here is my Z80 highlight file. I don't rembember where I found the original, but I adapted him in order to be adapted it to the [[SJASMPlus]] syntaxand meta-instructions.Put this file at ~/.vim/syntax/z80.vim
<pre>syn case ignore
== Z80 files detection ==
This file allows vim to detect *.z80 and *.src files when created or opened and automatically select the syntax file described in the above section.
Put this file at ~/.vim/ftdetect/z80.vim
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.z80 set filetype=z80
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.src set filetype=z80