
Kevin Thacker

16 bytes added, 15:21, 24 September 2009
Added some more internal links :-)
I am a big Amstrad fan having got my first Amstrad (a [[CPC6128]]) when I was 11 years old. (back in 1986)My father bought me a [[Firmware ]] guide and in addition he had access to datasheets, and this expanded my knowledge of the cpc quickly.
In the beginning I spent a lot of time writing a sprite editor (now lost), converting games from tape to disc for friends at school, and converting pictures and music from the atari st[[Atari ST]].
To convert music from [[Atari ST]], I had written a disc reader in assembler which could read Atari ST discs, or anything with MSDOS format, and a [[68000]] dissassembler in [[BASIC]]. I would then convert the 68000 to [[Z80]] asm by hand.
Then I concentrated on writing documents for the CPC called "The CPC Guide". The aim was to present this using a hypertext/windowing system I had written (1994)
Following this I setup the first website documenting the Amstrad hardware called "The Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource" (1995) which is still open today. A lot of these documents are my own work, with other documents by other authors.
During this time I developed a Amstrad emulator for the Amiga called [[A-CPC]], which later became [[Arnold ]] (for PC and Linux) and in addition
this helped discover more accurate information about the workings of the CPC and to help make other emulators better.