
The Amstrad CPC Game Load Screen Catalog

655 bytes added, 09:36, 5 October 2017
  The Amstrad CPC Game Load Screen Catalog. More than 3.500 images with the load screens of the most of the games available for Amstrad CPC.
== Information ==
{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}
|Title:|| The Amstrad CPC Game Load Screen Catalog
|AuthorsVersion:|| [[Lex Sparrow|Alejandro Valdezate]], Francisco Zapata1.4
|PubliserAuthors:|| Self publishedAlejandro Valdezate ([[Lex Sparrow]])
|YearPublisher:|| 2010Self published
|Year:|| 2010-2017|-|Pages:|| 197248
|ISBN:|| '''-'''
== Contents ==
3503 4450 snapshots sorted by title. == Download == Version 1.4 (september 2017, 4450 games) * [!7Ut1VbbK!RRteCUHf7p4pEk1D8K5LpGPH96fJVMrHIYOUNNHaRS0 Mega]   Version 1.3 (december 2014, 3930 games) * [!W0s0nDJa!aATFkK-dZ8vrmDU1kEj4mGlNkjWMU9GhiuA0qIrBgqc Mega]  Version 1.2 * -  Version 1.1 * [ CpcWiki]* [ Press Play Then Any Key]  To get the last updated version, go [ here] == See also == * [[The Amstrad CPC Game Screenshot Catalog]]
[[Category:Computer graphics books]]