
Guide for HxC SD Version

778 bytes added, 06:24, 5 August 2010
SDCard HxCFloppyEmulator Manage added
Just like with a real floppy disc its possible to damage the disc if it still inserted when powering on and off. So before turning off you should "eject" the disc by pressing the middel key on the emulator board, just to be safe. Similar is when you turn on your system and the floppy is still "inserted", its best to do a quick eject and then insert the image again to avoid errors on the disc.
== SDCard HxCFloppyEmulator Manager ==
With this [ utility] you can now choose which disk image to use from the Amstrad itself! When this utility is used the buttons on the interface work as follows:
Right button : Next Slot
Center button : Slot 0 - SDCard HxC Floppy Emulator Manager floppy image.
Left button : Previous Slot
To run the floppy manager software type : run"hxc
When the manager is run, the user is presented with an interface through which he can navigate the SD card's filesystem and insert disk images in different slots. Then he can press F9 and the system is rebooted with the selected image appearing in the drive. This is a much faster and user-friendlier solution to the hard buttons.
== Good and bad ==