
Data Media

4 bytes added, 10:45, 15 April 2011
Fixing Microbyte links
* Poker/17+4
* Zargon
* ER*Bert (Microbyte)
* Future World
* Enterprise
** Überraschungspaket Best.-Nr. 4910 (10 games) (cassette only)
data media also redistributed games from [[Amsoft]], [[Micro Power]], [[Romik]], [[Virgin]], [[Hewson]], [[Design]], [[CRL]], [[Gremlin Graphics]], [[Melbourne House]], [[US Gold]], [[Microgen]], and [[MicrobyteSoftware]]. These third-party games were only available on cassette, and in some cases on 3" disc, but not on 5.25". The only exception is ER[[Er*Bert ]] from [[Microbyte Software]] which was also offerred on 5.25" disc.
== Software (utilities) ==