
Vortex Winchester Drive

171 bytes removed, 19:38, 4 September 2015
/* Technical */
Therefore the software is *not* compatible with the Dobbertin or modern IDE drives.
Ports seem Port decoding appears to be:bit 9 = wd1010 a2bit 1 = wd1010 a1bit 0 = wd1010 a0
fbfa = -----011-----010 a2=bit 8 is 1, a1=1,a0=or 0 sdh fbfb = -----011-----011 a2=1, a1=1maybe it can't be either,a0=1 f9f8 = -----001-----000 a2=0, a1=0,a0=0 f9f9 = -----001-----001 a2=1, a1=1,a0=0 ??? f9fa = -----001-----010 a2=0, a1=1,a0=0 f9fb = -----001-----011 a2=0, a1=1,a0=1 faf8 = -----010-----000 a2=1, a1=0,a0=0 cylinder low faf8 = -----010-----000 a2=1, a1=0,a0=0 cylinder lowbut if it is set it could clash ------2-------10with other i/o. The ports chosen here don't clash.
f8f9 bit 10 = write precomp?0 bit 2 = 0
are the other bits checked for 1's?  FBFA - drive select wd1010 sdh register (write) sdh???
FBFB - wd1010 write command (write)/wd1010 read status register (read)
F9F8 - WD1010 data register (read/write)
F9F9 = wd1010 sdh precomp register (write) (seems more like sdh)
F9FA = wd1010 sector count register (write)
F9FB = wd1010 sector number register (write)
FAF8 = wd1010 cylinder low register (write)
FAF9 = wd1010 cylinder high register (write)
  FAF8 FAFA = cylinder lowdrive select? 1111101011111000drive bits match those in sdh. FAF9 = cylinder high? 1111101011111001wd1010 documentation says head select/drive select not available as outputs. FAFA = ?    WD1010 appears to be mapped to CPC's A0256 bytes per sector.
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