
Kempston Mouse

26 bytes removed, 19:05, 2 October 2015
/* I/O decoding */
=== I/O decoding ===
Exact i/o port decoding is not known. Some possible I/O decoding Decoding seems to clash with other CPC ports. It seems be (some testing to beconfirm this):
I/O port for X position is decoded as xxxx x011 x0x1 xxx0 xxx0 (FBEE is normally used) I/O port for Y position is decoded as xxxx x011 x0x1 xxx0 xxx1 (FBEF is normally used) I/O port for Buttons is decoded as xxxx x010 x0x0 xxx0 xxxx (FAEF is normally used) Confirmed connected:A10, A0, A4, A8.
In Spectrum interface A10 chooses X,Y. On CPC interface A0 chooses X,Y.