
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

798 bytes added, 17:38, 16 March 2017
/* Correct way to connect the uIDE boards to the computer's expansion port */
|[[File:6128-uIDE-16 connection.jpg|thumb|Correct way to fit the expansion port adapter to the back of a CPC6128: LED on the right hand side.]]
== Fitting a Z80 shim to the PCW 8000 series ==
These pictures will help you fit a uIDE-LHS shim combination to a PCW 8000 series machine.
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|[[File:Z80 shim PCW fitment.jpg|thumb|The Z80 LHS shim fitted to the main board of a PCW 8512. The computer is face down in this picture. Note the orientation of the Z80 bus cable with respect to the shim's right angled header, The red wire (pin 1) is closest to the pin labelled "A11" on the shim (actually, Pin 1 of the Z80). If you want to have the uIDE accessible, you can pass the ribbon cable through the corner of the case.]] ||[[File:Z80 shim cable exit.jpg|thumb|With the case reassembled, the bus cable can exit the cabinet at the lower right corner without being damaged. Don't overtighten the corner screw, though.]]