
Plus Vectored Interrupt Bug

1,704 bytes added, 09:56, 30 July 2017
== Plus Vectored Interrupts ==
On the Amstrad Plus and GX4000 it is possible to use Z80 Interrupt mode 2 (IM 2). When maskable interrupts are enabled (EI) and the interrupt is acknowledged by the Z80, the ASIC will provide a vector which is put onto the bus.
This vector and Z80 register I are used to form an address:
The Z80 will then read a 2-byte address which is the location of the interrupt handler.
Bit 0 of the vector will be 0. Bits 3..1 are generated by the ASIC based on the interrupt source (one of the DMA channels or raster interrupt). Bits 7..4 are defined by writing a value to the ASIC IVR register (at &6805 in the ASIC registers).
The raster interrupt interrupt comes from the CPC compatible 52-line interrupt OR the Plus programmable line interrupt (PRI at &6800 in the ASIC registers).
Bit 0 of IVR is set to 1 at power-on but the other bits are undefined, so you should either:
* Set the IVR value by writing to 6805 after unlocking the asic and making the registers visible
call asic_unlock
ld bc,&7fb8
out (c),c
ld a,1
ld (&6805),a
ld a,&40
ld i,a
ld hl,dma0_handler
ld (&4000),hl
ld hl,dma1_handler
ld (&4002),hl
ld hl,dma2_handler
ld (&4006),hl
ld hl,raster_handler
ld (&4008),hl
im 2
* OR, you can repeat the same interrupt function handlers through the entire 256 byte vector range.
ld a,&40
ld i,a
ld hl,dma0_handler
ld (&4000),hl
ld hl,dma1_handler
ld (&4002),hl
ld hl,dma2_handler
ld (&4006),hl
ld hl,raster_handler
ld (&4008),hl
ld hl,&4000
ld de,&400a
ld bc,256-&a
im 2
See [[Arnold_V_Specs_Revised]] for more information.
== The Vectored Interrupt Bug ==
NOTE: Vectored interrupts are bugged.