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84 bytes added, 18:56, 27 April 2015
/* Introduction */
FutureOS allows the user to control the computer with a broad variety of HIDs. The surface provides an icon section, a file section and a status section. The OS can deal with files up 16 MB (24 bit file-length) and it can load/save files up to 4 MB in one piece. It has a dynamic memory management system, which divides RAM usually into 16 KB blocks - or in smaller pieces. Further it supports a broad variety of hardware expansions. FutureOS is delivered together with a variety of utilities in the same four ROMs. Additional expansion ROMs can be added.
FutureOS can be used with German, English, French and Spanish language interfaces.
The OS itself has about 45.000 lines of code, the source code is about 580 KB in size.