
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

238 bytes removed, 15:52, 21 March 2017
/* Future extensions */
=== Z80 Bus board / backplane ===
Building on the ''Z80 bus'' concept employed by uIDE, I have completed the design of a 5 slot bus board and I plan to produce a serial adapter to plug into it that is a clone of the CPS8256. The status of the serial adapter is that it is nearly ready for prototyping.
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=== PCW Serial / parallel port ===
The easiest way to routinely transfer files between a CP/M machine and a PC is via a serial connection and transfer software such as Kermit. The problem is that on the PCW and 6128 you need a plug -in adapter (and these are a bit hard to come by).
The PCW adapter is called a '''CPS8256''' and it has both serial and parallel ports. It is not compatible with the PCW 9512.
I plan to may produce a serial adapter to plug into the Z80 bus board that is a clone of the CPS8256. The status of the serial adapter is that it is nearly ready for prototyping.
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* AMX mouse clone
'''If there is demand''', these and other ''Z80 bus'' extensions will follow, so keep an eye on the forum for developments.
== Connecting a CF card to uIDE instead of a DOM ==