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575 bytes added, 18:57, 8 October 2018
/* Requirements */
If you want to use FutureOS temporary then use the RSX command '''|FDESK''', this will save your first 48 KB RAM and you can leave FutureOS later and return to previous work.
== Requirements ==
It runs on 'off the shelf' hardware when using the Cartridge for the 6128 Plus.
The core of the OS needs 64 KB ROM. On the CPC6128 it needs a ROM expansion or similar. Compatible products are EPROM-cards, the [[X-MEM]], [[MegaFlash]], [[Inicron ROM-RAM-Box|ROM-RAM-BOX]], [[SYMBiFACE II|SYMBiFACE II]], [[Ramcard 128|RAMcard]], Jareks [[CPC.Flash|Flash-ROM]], [[MegaROM]] or similar products. If you don't own such a card, you can take a look at '''FutureOS''' by using a compatible CPC Emulator ([[JavaCPC|JavaCPC]], [[WinCPC|WinCPC]], [[CaPriCe|Caprice]], [[WinApe|WinApe]], [[!CPCemu|CPCEmu]], [[Arnold]], [[Sugarbox]]) or others.
The core of the OS itself is executed directly in (Pseudo-)ROM or [[Dobbertin EPROM 224|EPROM]] (in four 16 KB blocks). It jumps between the ROMs with the help of a little common area. Therefore the numbers of the four 16 KB ROMs are hardcoded and the jumps are very quick. Applications like ROManager can change all that numbers.
'''FutureOS''' uses 2 KB (&B800...&BFFF) of the first 64 KB; the remaining RAM is available to applications. Additional RAM can be reserved for DIRectory buffering. Furthermore the OS uses memory management (up to 4 MB), file-handling and specialized Low/Mid/High-level routines to access the hardware.
'''FutureOS''' can be launched from AmsDOS with the RSX commands |OS or |FDESK. If you use |FDESK you can leave '''FutureOS''' and get back to BASIC where you have stopped before - the first 48 KB (not the screen) have been preserved.
'''FutureOS''' only runs well on a [[CPC6128|CPC6128]] or 6128plus 6128 Plus (not CPC464 or 664, except you have a RAM expansion with full RAM mode &C3 support like the one from Revaldhino), because of their support for RAM configuration C3 (essential for the mouse pointer). FutureOS is not compatible with [[Firmware]] or [[CP/M|CP/M]] programs, but supports their data structure. It needs a [[Class]] 2 CPC, it runs best with a [[Class]] 4 CPC or higher.
'''FutureOS''' does not require the native CPC-OS, except its character set. If you replace the lower ROM by the [[CPC FutureOS lower ROM]] for example, then FutureOS will start directly.
There is a Cartridge version of '''FutureOS''' which supports some Plus features.
== Limitations ==
For CPCs with 128 KB there may be some limitations. The command |FDESK uses 48 KB E-RAM, a wallpaper uses 16 KB E-RAM. So in this case for example the E-RAM would be used up and this will inhibit some OS functionality (f.e. copy data). A RAM expansion is strongly suggested.
In case the OS requires more RAM you can always switch the wallpaper off to gain 16 KB and use the |OS command to start FutureOS.
== Graphic User Interface ==