
LCD monitor and LCD TV Solution (RGB)

9 bytes added, 21:22, 21 August 2022
[ The new star on the horizon.] An open source project, that combines a Raspberry Pi with some custom logic, to convert signals from home computers and home consoles to HDMI. For almost every computer there is a more or less different version of the board. You can build the RGB2HDMI yourself or buy a finished version, e.g. on . It's features are even beyond those of the OSSC and Framemeister. Its total price is somewhere between the GBS and the OSSC, depending on where you buy it. And its tiny. Its biggest disadvantage is, that you need a different version of the board per console or home computer (well - some computers share a similar signal, so e.g. for the BBC you can also use the CPC version, but e.g. an Amiga or an Amstrad Plus each need another converter version). Screen lag has not been measured yet for it, but it seems to be very low.
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