
URTC-8 Universal RTC for Z80 computers

251 bytes added, 08:53, 2 December 2020
/* Prices */
== Prices ==
This is a summary of the prices I have posted to the forum so far.
I am sorry that the assembled prices are what they are, but it is a time consuming and dreary job, not to mention the effort and cost to acquire the parts. Sadly the clock chip used in this design has become much more expensive (the last one I bought cost over £10) and there are many counterfeits coming out of China, so it is risky to buy direct, so I have had to put the price of the uRTC up. Apologies.
{| class="wikitable"
! Item !! Price
| uRTC-8 assembled || £34£44.00
| Z80 Shim assembled (LHS or RHS) || £17.50