
AMSDAP - Amstrad MSx aDAPter - connecting any MSX I/O hardware to the CPC

Started by Prodatron, 20:29, 11 October 17

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Quote from: LambdaMikel on 17:09, 08 July 18
I still dislike the wiggliness that comes with extra cables and adapters and all that.
It could be as simple as this. Make a 90 degree and straight variant and you got it all covered :)
I like the MotherX4 (or Amsdap) to be flat on the table....


... and then, the DDI3 display is facing down towards the table?  :o Can't find the strongly dislike button  ;)


... since not everybody seems to know the DDI3, here is a pic


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 18:26, 08 July 18
... and then, the DDI3 display is facing down towards the table?  :o Can't find the strongly dislike button  ;)
Quote from: Duke on 17:18, 08 July 18
It could be as simple as this. Make a 90 degree and straight variant and you got it all covered :)
Quote from: LambdaMikel on 18:29, 08 July 18
... since not everybody seems to know the DDI3, here is a pic
Yeah it's quite a monster :P - Other than that it doesn't stick down 2-3-4 cm's like other old expansions (ie. DDI-1).


Quote from: Duke on 18:40, 08 July 18
Yeah it's quite a monster :P - Other than that it doesn't stick down 2-3-4 cm's like other old expansions (ie. DDI-1).
Right. Is that 2x3x4 cm thing some kind of "CPC dogma"?  Who cares how big the expansion is as long as it does its job...


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 19:41, 08 July 18
Right. Is that 2x3x4 cm thing some kind of "CPC dogma"?  Who cares how big the expansion is as long as it does its job...
I was referring to the point of the "mx4", "amsdap" or your board being flat on the table with an expansion plugged into the rear end of an on pcb edge connector.
Eitherway I think you misinterpretated my intention, I tried suggesting an imo. solid solution to your issue. Which turned out to be for pluging in the DDI-3, fair enough you have a point and it doesn't cost a dime to add an rear edge connector on the PCB.


Quote from: Duke on 19:53, 08 July 18
I was referring to the point of the "mx4", "amsdap" or your board being flat on the table with an expansion plugged into the rear end of an on pcb edge connector.
Eitherway I think you misinterpretated my intention, I tried suggesting an imo. solid solution to your issue. Which turned out to be for pluging in the DDI-3, fair enough you have a point and it doesn't cost a dime to add an rear edge connector on the PCB.

Appreciate  your suggestions of course didn't mean to come along rude.
It is just that I have explored all these IMHO unsatisfactory solutions and
I would really strongly like to suggest to add the edge.

See I can connect the ddi3 with a cable to an IDC box header or an edge
Connector - see image below at the right.  It is just that I don't
Like these solutions for reasons of stability and reliability.

Anybody can design their hardware the way they like of course. 
Just saying that adding such an edge might give you some
More 464 customers.

Cheers Michael


Ah yes indeed I missed the 90 degree variant only looked at the image - clear case of read before you post on my side  ;) That would work I have 90 degree IDC box headers.
I would still prefer the edge though.

I will try your suggestion / solution and report back.
So for this we would need the Straight IDC box headers not the angled ones.


Actually I would be very interested (CPC6128) in a Centronics Version of the card, and of course it would be great to also have a Centronics plug to add more expansions (four MX4 slots are not enough for me).  :)
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Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 18:23, 07 July 18
If I ever make a new development I will think about it,
new hardware is often used as IDC.
edge connector PCBs are more expensive because of the gold-plated contacts.

I do not see any progress in edge connectors

Great looking device, and a wonderful addition to the CPC

I can't say I'm too concerned about the lack of an edge connector, the majority of new hardware is using the MX4 connectiors, and as already pointed out, there are converter dongles out there for the other cases... I have a DDI3 and an old multiface 2, but there are other options for these with the MX4... and as my CPC+ does not have an edge connector, MX4 is the logical solution for overall compatability

I can imagine developing and testing a board like this has taken a lot of time and money, so I'm not surprised there is a desire to focus on a single model, rather than branch out into 'variants' with different connectors
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I agree with all of this.  However adding a pcb edge doesn't cost a dime as duke said so why not just do it. It takes more time discussing this than actually doing it  ;D anyhow just my 2 cents.


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 22:19, 08 July 18
I agree with all of this.  However adding a pcb edge doesn't cost a dime as duke said so why not just do it. It takes more time discussing this than actually doing it  ;D anyhow just my 2 cents.

But ADDING something to a completed design does, doesn't it? - if only because you have to test it again... The point is they've announced a product, and the only feedback they've got is a page of whining about a connector most people don't use for their upgrades anymore.

If it was my product, I'd be pi$$ed.
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Quote from: GUNHED on 21:44, 08 July 18
Actually I would be very interested (CPC6128) in a Centronics Version of the card, and of course it would be great to also have a Centronics plug to add more expansions (four MX4 slots are not enough for me).  :)

Right pass through centronics AND pass through edge ->  $£€ big time!


http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
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Quote from: keith56 on 22:29, 08 July 18
But ADDING something to a completed design does, doesn't it? - if only because you have to test it again... The point is they've announced a product, and the only feedback they've got is a page of whining about a connector most people don't use for their upgrades anymore.

If it was my product, I'd be pi$$ed.

There is no such thing as a finished product 😊
Do you any statistics on the use of edge connector hardware Vs Others?
Who is most people


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 22:30, 08 July 18

Right pass through centronics AND pass through edge ->  $£€ big time!

Saying 'Hey great product, thanks for all your hard work, this really brings a lot to the CPC community' costs nothing either, but I don't see too many post saying that...

'If you ever had chance... could you add..." should come second.
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You have to read again then.
Everybody in this thread has said a couple times that it is a great product!  :)



Well, the first time I saw the Amsdap was early this year and it's a fascinating device (as stated before), back the day it had three MX4 slots, now the picture shows 4 of them. :)  That's great!  :)  Now my questions:

  • Is the design finished?
  • How can this nice device be ordered?
  • Is there a rough estimate for the price?
Great work anyway!
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Yes, the design is ready,
for questions about sales and functions. please contact Prodatron
there are a number in stock.


Hi guys,

the price for an AMSDAP42 (4x CPC slot - MotherX4 compatible, 2x MSX slot - any MSX I/O-based hardware)

is 35€ + shipping costs (from Germany).

It can be ordered now.

Please write me to

jmika (at) prodatron (dot) net

Please note, that currently we don't ship any cables (edge or centronics). You can use your MotherX4 cable for connecting the AMSDAP to your CPC. If someone has a good source for edge connectors, please tell me.You should organize an USB power supply as well with an USB type B cable (which is the big one used for slave devices like printers). As usual the AMSDAP allows to use the (weak) power supply of the CPC, but it is recommended to operate it with an external 5V one. There is one real switch on the AMSDAP for choosing internal/external power supply as well as an additional switch for turning off the external power. This is very useful, as you can turn off the powersupply for the connected cards as soon as you switched off your CPC.




Great stuff, I hope to get one so I can use my V9990 on the CPC.

Oh, just a reminder, I offered a 'bounty' for anyone getting V9K support working on a CPC emulator, that still stands, and if anyone does it, I'll add V9K support to any future games, and document it in my tutorial series.

Quote from: keith56 on 01:29, 07 April 18
I'd be willing to make a 100 euro donation to any emulator author who got V9990 emulation working - it would save me that much in personal suffering compared to testing on real hardware!!!
Chibi Akumas: Comedy-Horror 8-bit Bullet Hell shooter!
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Quote from: keith56 on 00:24, 10 July 18
Oh, just a reminder, I offered a 'bounty' for anyone getting V9K support working on a CPC emulator, that still stands
You deserve one as well - here you go  :P


Quote from: Prodatron on 22:52, 09 July 18
Hi guys,

the price for an AMSDAP42 (4x CPC slot - MotherX4 compatible, 2x MSX slot - any MSX I/O-based hardware)

is 35€ + shipping costs (from Germany).

It can be ordered now.
I am still debating a bit with myself. It is certainly a very impressive product
(even though I am not a big fan of the MSX).
What other MSX cards are available currently besides the MP3 player and graphics card?

Thanks for any info. 


It's a fair question. I only have the V9K and a MegaFlashRom for the MSX... Personally I'd say the V9K makes this worth owning alone, but of course for non MSX owners, there is the native CPC V9K...

In all seriousness, is there any possibility of using the extra ram of the MegaFlashRom on the CPC?, I mean, how do the memory mapped 'Slots' of the MSX hardware work with the CPC on this device?... I kind of assume the answer is 'Not at all' and that the only access to MSX hardware via amsdap is via OUTs... but I'd like to ask to be sure!
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