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General Category => Amstrad CPC hardware => Topic started by: sigh on 19:11, 05 January 11

Title: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 19:11, 05 January 11
I still have my CPC 464. But I'm looking for a 6128 Plus to go with it. Any clues? What is a decent price?
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: khisanth on 20:20, 05 January 11
Not seen a 6128 plus on ebay yet,I would think they go for at least £100
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: fano on 20:50, 05 January 11
Buy one in France  ;D (if you are ok with AZERTY layout :/ )
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: dragon on 21:47, 05 January 11
Or buy it in spain with ñ :)
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 21:52, 05 January 11
ebay.fr has always a few on offer. They usually go for around 30-50€.

Here's one with a 3.5" Drive installed:
http://cgi.ebay.fr/RARE-amstrad-6128-plus-lecteur-de-disquette-3-5-/260705837528?pt=FR_GH_Informatique_Ordinateurs_Ordinateurs_de_Collection&hash=item3cb34761d8 (http://cgi.ebay.fr/RARE-amstrad-6128-plus-lecteur-de-disquette-3-5-/260705837528?pt=FR_GH_Informatique_Ordinateurs_Ordinateurs_de_Collection&hash=item3cb34761d8)

As is the case here, they rarely/never have the cartridge included, but they are on offer for around 4-5€ too.

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: dragon on 21:57, 05 January 11
The problem is normally french sellers not send out of france.I search for super skweek in 3" And the french seller not sell me.:(


Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: steve on 22:04, 05 January 11
Quote from: Bryce on 21:52, 05 January 11

As is the case here, they rarely/never have the cartridge included, but they are on offer for around 4-5€ too.


That's a bit cheeky, I would consider the machine incomplete without the cartridge as it is effectively useless, and should be priced as a non functional machine.

Although I will admit that a french cartridge may not be much use to an english user, I don't know, with it's azerty keyboard, would an english cartridge work properly in it?.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 22:09, 05 January 11
The azerty keyboard layout looks like something that may start to annoy me. The spanish version looks closer to the UK (which is what I need) but it looks like it's missing a few symbols. I'm not to sure whether I'll need the £ sign or not.....
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 14:48, 06 January 11
I've been searching through this site, for keyboard layout experiences. I haven't seen any definite answers if it is possible to perform a keyboard mod on the 6128+ or if buying a UK rom cartridge would rearrange the keyboard layout on a french/spanish machine to a UK one. If this was possible, then it would be a simple case of popping off the keys and swapping them around.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: redbox on 14:53, 06 January 11
Quote from: sigh on 14:48, 06 January 11
or if buying a UK rom cartridge would rearrange the keyboard layout on a french/spanish machine to a UK one. If this was possible, then it would be a simple case of popping off the keys and swapping them around.

Yes, if you use a UK cartridge it would rearrange the keys - it's all in the OS software.

You could then of course swap the keys around for it to match up physically.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 14:55, 06 January 11
That's fantastic news!!! (only thing left to do would be to paint a little "£" sign) :D

Edit: How easy are the key swaps to do?
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 01:13, 08 January 11
Is it possible for me to use the DK tronics memory expansion cart from my CPC 464 on a 464 Plus?

Edit: Found this:


Could someone please explain????
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: MacDeath on 01:31, 08 January 11
perhaps, if you can get some adaptator for the centronic... or a german extension...

was extension is it ?

It can also be nice to simply add the missing components on the motherboard to get a 4128+...

if only you can get those components...

Also what need to be explained ?

The guy simply connected a Ram expansion and the external DiskDrive on the Expansion port thx to some sort of adapter and multi expansion board...

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 01:45, 08 January 11
There's a DK tronics expansion attached to the 464+ but it has something inbetween. I don't know if it's something he bought, or something he made himself (that white cable).
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: MacDeath on 13:54, 08 January 11
This is certainly just an adapter cable...

Centronic 50 on one side, CPC-old Card-board on the other side.

You can make one yourself...


Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 17:05, 08 January 11
Cool. That doesn't look too hard. Any particular trusted shops were forum members like to buy these or other parts?
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 15:58, 09 January 11
If it's only a physical adapter you need to convert from Centronics to Edge Connector, then I have plans here: http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/Expansion_Converter (http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/Expansion_Converter)

A DKtronics 464 memory expansion may work perfectly on a 464+ but I doubt it would work on a 6128+. Memory expansion on a 464 is slightly different than on a 6128, due to the 464 not having the Banking PAL present. 464 Memory expansions had to handle the banking themselves, 6128 expansions expected the CPC to do this. On the Plus, the banking functionality was handled by the ASIC, but I'm not sure if the ASIC always offered this, or only on the 6128+.

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 19:18, 09 January 11
Wow! Although I'm still looking for the 6128+ I might try making this!

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: arnoldemu on 10:45, 10 January 11
Quote from: Bryce on 15:58, 09 January 11
If it's only a physical adapter you need to convert from Centronics to Edge Connector, then I have plans here: http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/Expansion_Converter (http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/Expansion_Converter)

A DKtronics 464 memory expansion may work perfectly on a 464+ but I doubt it would work on a 6128+. Memory expansion on a 464 is slightly different than on a 6128, due to the 464 not having the Banking PAL present. 464 Memory expansions had to handle the banking themselves, 6128 expansions expected the CPC to do this. On the Plus, the banking functionality was handled by the ASIC, but I'm not sure if the ASIC always offered this, or only on the 6128+.

I think Bryce may be a bit cautious.

Thinking back to the original CPC, the ram expansions for the 464 could be used direct with the 6128. In the case of the "standard" 64k ram expansion you gain nothing because it is selected by the same "ram configuration" values as the extra 64k within the 6128.

The silicon disc which had different "ram configuration" values, worked both on 464 and 6128 without trouble. Both these ram expansions had their own PAL within them and probably used the /RAMDIS signal to block internal ram within the cpc.

I think the ASIC for the 464+ and 6128+ are identical and one of those "resistor" link things chooses if the "PAL" within the ASIC is active or not.

In the end the result would be the same as in the original CPCs I believe.

A dk'tronics 64k for cpc *should* (I've not tested even though I have both - 464+ and 64k ram) work and you just need a conversion adaptor (centronics to edge).

The only difference that has been mentioned in some documents (but I need to confirm), is configuration 3.
This is where extra ram shows up in &c000-&ffff. I think in the original 464 (40007), it is possible rom shows here first and you need to disable that to see the ram. I do need to check and confirm this though. And this config is mostly used by cpm (and probably futureos).
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 11:36, 10 January 11
Yes. I am always cautious, because it's better to have investigated whether there's an issue, than to connect something and observe smoke emitting from the back of your beloved CPC. I don't own a DKtronics memory expansion, nor do I have the schematics to check, but I thought I'd mention the slight differences anyway, just in case.


Quote from my Professor back in my college days: "Silicon is a myth, ICs really work using smoke and I can prove it too: When the smoke gets out of an IC, they never work again afterwards".
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 13:52, 18 January 11
Is this a good deal? Not to sure what's going on with the close up picture of the (serial?) port at the back.

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 14:03, 18 January 11
I don't know how good your french is, but this guy is only selling the external 3.5in Disk Drive (with ABBA and side switch) and a few disks / CD full of DSK files, NOT the 6128+. He shows the port at the back to show which port it gets connected to.

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 14:11, 18 January 11
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: arnoldemu on 14:23, 18 January 11
Quote from: sigh on 13:52, 18 January 11
Is this a good deal? Not to sure what's going on with the close up picture of the (serial?) port at the back.

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lecteur-disk-3-5-pour-AMSTRAD-CPC-6128-PLUS-/130474591484?pt=FR_GH_Informatique_Ordinateurs_Ordinateurs_de_Collection&hash=item1e60e444fc (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lecteur-disk-3-5-pour-AMSTRAD-CPC-6128-PLUS-/130474591484?pt=FR_GH_Informatique_Ordinateurs_Ordinateurs_de_Collection&hash=item1e60e444fc)
If it is the guy I am thinking of the ready is forced always active on that drive.
So there is a chance the cpc will hang if you do a cat without the disc in.
So remember this.

other than this it is a quality product.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: redbox on 11:18, 20 January 11
Quote from: arnoldemu on 14:23, 18 January 11
So there is a chance the cpc will hang if you do a cat without the disc in.

Is there any way to patch the OS to stop this happening?
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: arnoldemu on 11:20, 20 January 11
Quote from: redbox on 11:18, 20 January 11
Is there any way to patch the OS to stop this happening?
The problem is the fdc is hung waiting for a response.
And you can't AFAIK reset the fdc without turning the computer on/off or using a reset button.
So it's tough luck!
You could detect it has hung and display a message, but then the fdc is out of action until it's reset.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 13:00, 20 January 11
You could "edit" the hardware to reset the FDC without resetting the CPC. To do this you would have to isolate the reset pin (1) of the FDC from the reset bus with a diode and then add a reset button and a resistor on the isolated side. This would then reset the FDC without resetting the CPC, but would also reset the FDC if the CPC is reset. But it does mean either making a change to the PCB (cutting a track) or cutting pin 1 of the FDC, which most people wouldn't be happy doing.

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 01:21, 18 March 11
Still searching for the "holy grail" UK plus. I really don't understand how a machine made in the UK can be found everywhere else - apart from in the UK! :laugh:
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Gryzor on 08:00, 18 March 11
You're not wrong on that...  for every UK model I've seen there are 10 QWERTY ones out there!
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 08:54, 18 March 11
Uk ones ARE Qwerty??  :D

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: arnoldemu on 10:18, 18 March 11
Quote from: sigh on 01:21, 18 March 11
Still searching for the "holy grail" UK plus. I really don't understand how a machine made in the UK can be found everywhere else - apart from in the UK! :laugh:
464 plus on ebay now.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: arnoldemu on 10:18, 18 March 11
Quote from: Gryzor on 08:00, 18 March 11
You're not wrong on that...  for every UK model I've seen there are 10 QWERTY ones out there!
the uk one is qwerty!
are you sure you don't mean azerty? (which is the French keyboard).
Anyways, if you find azerty it's fine, just plug in a English cart and put stickers over the keys.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 10:32, 18 March 11
The most annoying thing about the French Plus is having to press shift to use the number keys!!! Who in their right mind, thought that this is a good idea?

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: fano on 11:14, 18 March 11
Quote from: Bryce on 10:32, 18 March 11
The most annoying thing about the French Plus is having to press shift to use the number keys!!! Who in their right mind, thought that this is a good idea?
Am French and agree ,  i never use theses keys , only numpad.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: redbox on 13:19, 18 March 11
Quote from: Bryce on 10:32, 18 March 11
The most annoying thing about the French Plus is having to press shift to use the number keys!!! Who in their right mind, thought that this is a good idea?

It does mean not having to use shift when typing RUN"DISC though  :)
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 13:26, 18 March 11
True, but if the file is called "2Test-14.ROM" you're back and forth between shifted an non-shifted characters much more than with a "normal" keyboard.

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 15:07, 18 March 11
Quote from: arnoldemu on 10:18, 18 March 11
464 plus on ebay now.

I may as well just wait and get a UK 6128 plus as it has everything needed in one casing.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: steve on 23:24, 18 March 11
There is probably a market for 464pluses upgraded to 4128pluses.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: TFM on 23:49, 18 March 11
Quote from: redbox on 13:19, 18 March 11

It does mean not having to use shift when typing RUN"DISC though  :)

Use Control+small Enter instead ;-)
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: remax on 15:53, 19 March 11
Quote from: Bryce on 13:26, 18 March 11
True, but if the file is called "2Test-14.ROM" you're back and forth between shifted an non-shifted characters much more than with a "normal" keyboard.


Use COPY instead  ;)
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Gryzor on 18:32, 19 March 11
Guys, French keyboards are QWERTY and UK ones are Dvorak, after a few beers. 'nuff said.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 18:37, 19 March 11
Wow, that must be really good beer :D

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Gryzor on 18:57, 19 March 11
Well, saying "masticha shots" wouldn't have the same ring to it.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 22:58, 22 March 11
I was wondering that if I were to buy a french/spanish/german machine, but found a UK Keyboard membrane - would that do the trick? Sorry for such a question but I'm not that clued up on hardware :(
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 23:02, 22 March 11
The membrane is identical in all Pluses, the only difference is the text written on particular keys and the installed Cartridge. If you put a UK Cartridge in a French Plus then all you need to do is make some stickers for a few of the keys and it's a uk Plus.

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 23:55, 22 March 11
Quote from: Bryce on 23:02, 22 March 11
The membrane is identical in all Pluses, the only difference is the text written on particular keys and the installed Cartridge. If you put a UK Cartridge in a French Plus then all you need to do is make some stickers for a few of the keys and it's a uk Plus.


Okay thanks. I seem to be complicating things ;D
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Executioner on 02:23, 23 March 11
If anyone can find a supply of QWERTY Plus keyboards, I'd like one too as I have a French 6128 Plus with ParaDOS cart (so my keys don't do what they say). It's easy enough to type so long as you don't look at your fingers.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Devilmarkus on 09:45, 23 March 11
Well, I used half of an old CPC 6128 Keyboard to make my AZERTY keys QWERTY.
I took the upper part of the old keyboard (black plastic frame incl. all keys), removed a few plastic noses, and attached it to the lower part of the + keyboard (metal frame with membrane)...
Because the noses were missing, I fixed the membrane with adhesive tape.

The keyboard works fine!
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: redbox on 10:00, 23 March 11
Quote from: Executioner on 02:23, 23 March 11
If anyone can find a supply of QWERTY Plus keyboards, I'd like one too as I have a French 6128 Plus with ParaDOS cart (so my keys don't do what they say). It's easy enough to type so long as you don't look at your fingers.

Me too.

I've been tempted just to swap some of the keys around so it's QWERTY, but this means the numbers and a few symbols are wrong...
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: arnoldemu on 10:27, 23 March 11
Quote from: Bryce on 23:02, 22 March 11
The membrane is identical in all Pluses, the only difference is the text written on particular keys and the installed Cartridge. If you put a UK Cartridge in a French Plus then all you need to do is make some stickers for a few of the keys and it's a uk Plus.

I agree. I don't understand why people are not willing to do this.

In fact, on my 464+ there ARE stickers over some keys. They seem to be fairly well done, and even match the colour of the keys.

So perhaps the best here is, what sticker makes the best choice for putting on keys?

But if anyone wants to give me an azerty keyboard, I'm happy to accept one ;)
I can give them a qwerty one in return, but some keys don't work on it ;)
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: arnoldemu on 10:34, 23 March 11

Perhaps this may help?
The cost seems high for some of them.
But then some are specialist (e.g. membranes).
But may help to repair some computers?
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 10:36, 23 March 11
I'll gladly take that Qwerty off your hands, for a few schillings, but I don't have an Awerty I can give you at the moment. What's wrong with "some of the keys" ? Membrane ripped, or just haven't bothered cleaning it?

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: arnoldemu on 10:45, 23 March 11
Quote from: Bryce on 10:36, 23 March 11
I'll gladly take that Qwerty off your hands, for a few schillings, but I don't have an Awerty I can give you at the moment. What's wrong with "some of the keys" ? Membrane ripped, or just haven't bothered cleaning it?

I have cleaned the membrane and keyboard but some keys do not work :(

Next I need to use some wire and verify that it is actually the keyboard that is stuffed. (Can I just short out the pins between the two keyboard connectors and it will result in a key press?)

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 10:53, 23 March 11
Yes, as long as you don't short two pins within the same connector, only short from one connector to the other. ie: start with the first pin on the top connector and short it with each pin in the bottom connector one after another, then continue like this with the second pin in the top connector. When you get to the end, you should have tested every key.

there may be cracks in the membrane...not good.

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Gryzor on 16:59, 23 March 11
I think that swapping keys around is not an optimal solution - isn't the inclination different?
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: scooby1970 on 20:01, 23 March 11
I sadly binned mine a few years ago when I was going through a period of tidying up the house! What a fool I was... Monitor in the bin too with all the games! What was I thinking?

:) Mark
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Devilmarkus on 21:57, 23 March 11
Quote from: scooby1970 on 20:01, 23 March 11
I sadly binned mine a few years ago when I was going through a period of tidying up the house! What a fool I was... Monitor in the bin too with all the games! What was I thinking?

:) Mark

(http://cpc-live.com/CatFiringGun.gif)  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: redbox on 21:58, 23 March 11
Quote from: Gryzor on 16:59, 23 March 11
I think that swapping keys around is not an optimal solution - isn't the inclination different?

I have often wondered this whilst staring at my Plus when I should be working, but unbelievably have never got around to actually working out if it is... does anyone else know?
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 22:04, 23 March 11
Quote from: redbox on 21:58, 23 March 11

I have often wondered this whilst staring at my Plus when I should be working, but unbelievably have never got around to actually working out if it is... does anyone else know?

I think the sticker idea sounds far safer and easier.

It it's not about looking good that counts - it's what you do with it!!! HELL YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! 8)

Quote from: Devilmarkus on 21:57, 23 March 11
(http://cpc-live.com/CatFiringGun.gif)  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

That cracked me up!

..also, your keyboard mod looks fantastic!
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Devilmarkus on 23:01, 23 March 11
Quote from: sigh on 22:04, 23 March 11
That cracked me up!

Check me out! (CPC inside!) (http://retropower.eu/CPCInAJar/index.php?dsk=cat.zip&crtc=1&boot=DISC&large=true)

Or check me (The same but cool Digiblaster) (http://retropower.eu/CPCInAJar/index.php?dsk=cat.zip&crtc=1&boot=DISC2&large=true)
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 00:15, 24 March 11
that's insane!:)
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 10:08, 24 March 11
Getting back to the subject (Sorry all you lol-cat / Killer-cat fans out there), the answer is no, you can't really swap the entire key, well physically you can, but they are a different shape, so it looks really crap. Stickers seem to be the best solution.

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 11:34, 24 March 11
Quote from: Bryce on 10:08, 24 March 11
Getting back to the subject (Sorry all you lol-cat / Killer-cat fans out there), the answer is no, you can't really swap the entire key, well physically you can, but they are a different shape, so it looks really crap. Stickers seem to be the best solution.


Regarding the stickers, it would be nice to have the actual correct fonts to make it consistent (rather than just scribbling with a biro!). I may at somepoint create a font list that people can print out and use.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 11:51, 24 March 11
How about a PDF File with the required characters in the correct size and font and cut-out lines, then people could just download it, print it to a sticker and cut it out?

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 14:17, 24 March 11
Yes- that's what I'm thinking (not just for the UK but for other regions as well as it's only a few letters/symbols like pound signs "A" "Q" etc).

Need to get a plus first though!  >:(
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 14:18, 24 March 11
Well, once you have the stickers finished, then you only need the bit that goes under them ! :D

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 14:39, 24 March 11
Heh! Well having never seen a plus model I would want to try it out on mine to make sure that the cream key colour, font size and style is correct (unless there's an actual size photo lying about).

Regarding the cream key colour , it would be interesting to exchange the cream for one of the PLUS palette colours for the whole font:)
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 15:58, 26 March 11
Will this do?

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 16:19, 26 March 11
Cool. :)

I'll work on it.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: dragon on 19:19, 16 April 11
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Gryzor on 11:40, 17 April 11
Quote from: dragon on 19:19, 16 April 11

Nice, but keyboard not working...

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: steve on 13:05, 17 April 11
Don't know if you would think it is overpriced, but the seller (not me) will send it to Europe.

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Amstrad-CPC-464-Plus-Colour-w-pad-games-and-books-/320683299772?pt=UK_VintageComputing_RL&hash=item4aaa36d3bc (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Amstrad-CPC-464-Plus-Colour-w-pad-games-and-books-/320683299772?pt=UK_VintageComputing_RL&hash=item4aaa36d3bc)

Edit: sorry it's not a 6128, but with HXC who needs a disk drive now anyway. :P
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: dragon on 14:26, 17 April 11
wow,I thinking tastiera=fdd  :'(
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 22:44, 17 April 11
@Steve: The HxC still needs the CPC to have an FDC, which the 464+ doesn't have, so it wouldn't work without additional hardware.

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: steve on 22:48, 17 April 11
Right, I forgot that. :-[
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 17:09, 20 April 11
Finally got a UK 6128 PLUS. Been sitting in my room for a week and I hadn't had time to test it out until a few minutes ago, but it all works fine. Needs a serious clean!
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Gryzor on 17:19, 21 April 11
Cleaning is really enjoyable. I always take photos along the way :)
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: sigh on 21:02, 21 April 11
I'm actually dreading this bit! It came with the utilities disk stuck inside it and I have no idea how long it's been in there for as I stupidly forgot to test it as I got a little absorbed in burning rubber. I have a good feeling that the drive belt has long disentegrated.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: TFM on 06:14, 22 April 11
Quote from: Gryzor on 17:19, 21 April 11
Cleaning is really enjoyable. I always take photos along the way :)

If you make a movie out of the pictures, then you can call it morphing  ;D
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Skunkfish on 09:43, 11 May 11
I'm hoping my 6128+ is still sitting in the attic at the family home...

Dying to get it up and running again, now how do I explain to my girlfriend that it needs to take up some precious space in our one-bedroom flat?
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: arnoldemu on 09:49, 11 May 11
Quote from: Skunkfish on 09:43, 11 May 11
I'm hoping my 6128+ is still sitting in the attic at the family home...

Dying to get it up and running again, now how do I explain to my girlfriend that it needs to take up some precious space in our one-bedroom flat?
Well you could say you are sharing the space, her stuff is on show, and so is some of yours.
She has her interests, and this is yours.

I'd keep the space it uses to a minimum to avoid fuss, and if she doesn't like the look of it, perhaps cover it with a sheet when you're not using it.

I would also make sure that you ensure you still spend quality time with her, so that the cpc doesn't take over.

And work out a way that you can spend time on it, but she also gets her time with you.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: MacDeath on 13:04, 11 May 11
QuoteDying to get it up and running again, now how do I explain to my girlfriend that it needs to take up some precious space in our one-bedroom flat?
Don't worry... Having such a machine and to use it make miraculously the girlfirend disapear...
problem solved !

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 13:10, 11 May 11
If she doesn't accept your hobby and leaves, then she wasn't the right one anyway.

My Girlfriend complained that we didn't do enough together, so I bought her a soldering iron and she still wasn't happy. Women, hard to understand and even more difficult to please!

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: norecess on 13:57, 11 May 11
Ahah ! On my side, I tend to think (girl or not) that a computer has not his place in a bedroom. Of couse, if space allows it.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: MacDeath on 14:42, 11 May 11
QuoteMy Girlfriend complained that we didn't do enough together, so I bought her a soldering iron and she still wasn't happy. Women, hard to understand and even more difficult to please!
:laugh: got me on this one...

perhaps you should find a pink soldering Iron...

We all know there is only one perfect woman in the world :

Yet she's more into C64.  :'(
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: MaV on 15:00, 11 May 11
Quote from: MacDeath on 14:42, 11 May 11
We all know there is only one perfect woman in the world :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeri_Ellsworth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeri_Ellsworth)

Yet she's more into C64.  :'(

If she ain't a reason to buy a C64 I don't know what is.  :-* (to her not you.  :P )

I have to admit, I can't really complain. Two hours before our wedding, my (then soon to be) wife and I went to buy a DVD drive, because hers was defect. It's all about priorities.  :D I even showed her Batman Forever, and she liked it!

There's only one stain on our marriage ... she had a Speccy in her youth.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: MacDeath on 15:04, 11 May 11
QuoteThere's only one stain on our marriage ... she had a Speccy in her youth.
I hope her eyes are not definitely hurt...  ???
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: MaV on 15:13, 11 May 11
Quote from: MacDeath on 15:04, 11 May 11
I hope her eyes are not definitely hurt...  ???

Well, she looks at me and doesn't scream in horror. I can't tell if that's a good or bad sign.  ;)

It's interesting actually. Whenever she recognizes a game on the CPC, you can be sure it's a Speccy port. ;D
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Skunkfish on 15:45, 11 May 11
I'll broach the subject at dinner tonight... Not entirely sure she knows what a CPC is as she's from Finland, did they reach there?

I've sent my Snes, Neo Geo, Saturn and N64 off to a good home so I think I'll be allowed one small vice.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 15:48, 11 May 11
We have CPC Wiki Members from Finland, so they obviously existed in some form there.

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: EgoTrip on 16:10, 11 May 11
Quote from: Skunkfish on 09:43, 11 May 11
I'm hoping my 6128+ is still sitting in the attic at the family home...

Dying to get it up and running again, now how do I explain to my girlfriend that it needs to take up some precious space in our one-bedroom flat?

If she objects, I can give it a good home
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Gryzor on 17:44, 11 May 11
"It will only stay here for a few days, enough for me to play some games". Works every time for me. :D
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: OCT on 21:50, 11 May 11
Quote from: Bryce on 13:10, 11 May 11
My Girlfriend complained that we didn't do enough together, so I bought her a soldering iron and she still wasn't happy.
I see it wasn't just me thinking of Jeri Ellsworth when reading this line - but for one particular reason:
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Gryzor on 07:07, 12 May 11
Sorry, that's ridiculous. Just gluing stuff on top of other stuff doesn't make it new, good or innovative stuff.
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 08:28, 12 May 11
That's one of Jeris lamer mods, but she has created some really cool stuff in the past and she does really know her stuff. Either way, I prefer Emma Watson. She might not know how to solder, but I could forgive her for that one flaw ;)

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: OCT on 17:08, 12 May 11
Quote from: Gryzor on 07:07, 12 May 11
Sorry, that's ridiculous.
It's not if you taught yourself VHDL and designed the FPGAs emulating Nintendo, C64 & friends (i.e. driving this handbag).
Moreover, she's living proof that women do love these things & Bryce's only mistake was not getting his GF a butane soldering iron. ;)
Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Bryce on 18:46, 12 May 11
Hmmm, so that's where I went wrong. Not to worry, I will get her one for her next Birthday... I can see that look of delight on her face right now :)

Title: Re: Amstrad 6128 PLUS
Post by: Ynot.zer0 on 19:24, 12 May 11
Quote from: OCT on 17:08, 12 May 11
It's not if you taught yourself VHDL and designed the FPGAs emulating Nintendo, C64 & friends (i.e. driving this handbag).
Moreover, she's living proof that women do love these things & Bryce's only mistake was not getting his GF a butane soldering iron. ;)

my missus has a Clarke Weld Micro Torch - she bought it herself :D
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