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General Category => Amstrad CPC hardware => Topic started by: Badstarr on 11:09, 05 July 12

Title: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Badstarr on 11:09, 05 July 12
Ok, so for my Über CPC project which is currently underway I'm building my own MegaFlash. Now I've built most of it and it seems to be going without much hassle. That is until I received the  Winbond W29C040-90 when I had expected to receive a W29C040-90Z in the PLCC socket guise. Now the schematic calls for a W29C040-90Z or there will be comparability issues. Will the IC I have be ok ? This will of course mean a rebuild grrr!!! Or is there something native to the PLCC version that is unique. I have the data sheet somewhere but can not find it right now. I'm assuming Bryce will be the man in the know lol! So if you are reading Bryce please let me know if it's time for a new IC or a new build cheers!  :D
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Bryce on 11:24, 05 July 12
Hi Badstarr,
        it's exactly the same IC in a DIP package, 100% compatible (except for the fact that you now need to swap sockets). Be glad they didn't send you a TSOP part! :D  Would it not be easier and faster just to order the correct part?

Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Badstarr on 13:23, 05 July 12
Thanks Bryce! Yes you are quite right it would be better to order the correct part so I think I will go for that option. It just means I will have to wait a little longer to complete this part of the project. Shame as I would have been able to test it out pretty soon. Of course I could borrow the IC from my real MegaFlash but that may void the manufacturers guarantee !  ;)

I tried soldering a TSOP RAM IC to a graphics card once, it was a practice run before I attempted to upgrade the graphics RAM in my old G4 Mac Mini. Suffice it to say that my Mac Mini still has the original factory RAM installed. I have seen it done though on the tinternet apparently hand soldered.

On the plus side due to the economies of scale I have enough parts to build another MegaFlash using the DIP version so maybe one of my 6128s will be given the MegaFlash treatment !
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Bryce on 13:46, 05 July 12
You can safely use the Flash from your original MegaFlash, without voiding the guarantee (Is there a guarantee??). :D

My very first MegaFlash prototype used a DIP Flash, although it was the 256K - 29C020 not the 040.

TSOP can be hand soldered with practice, but it needs lots of practice. Removing them is actually more difficult than re-soldering the new one.

Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Gryzor on 13:53, 05 July 12
Wot? no guarantee? Tsk.
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: TFM on 18:02, 05 July 12
You got that wrong... our guarantee and warranty is just special 8)
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Bryce on 12:16, 06 July 12
...And that's why TFM ISN'T responsible for Public Relations :D

Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Gryzor on 19:02, 07 July 12
PR *can* be about sticks and carrots...
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Bryce on 19:05, 07 July 12
That's a pretty hard stick.

Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Gryzor on 10:19, 08 July 12
...or an even harder carrot.
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: TFM on 23:16, 08 July 12
Sticks 'n' Carrots.... how hard? .... we should ask an expert! Any girl in this forum?

And btw. ... any news from the MegaFlash and its Flash chip?
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Badstarr on 05:31, 09 July 12
Well the MegaFlash is mostly assembled, all that's left is to finish off the connections to the pin header. I haven't ordered the new IC yet but I think I will have it more or less finished when im next off work. Its taken a little longer than expacted as I've been a bit distracted by a couple of things that needed doing on my car for its MOT (in case you aren't aware it's a compulsory test of road worthiness) plus for some reason the immobiliser kicked in so it took ages to work out how to reset it but now it's fine so I can concentrate on more important things like the MegaFlash!
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: TFM on 16:04, 09 July 12
Good luck for both of your hobbys :-D
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Badstarr on 20:21, 09 July 12
Thanks TFM/FS ! I think at the moment I could do with all the luck I can get lol!
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Gryzor on 10:13, 10 July 12
Keep us posted, and do share some photos!
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Badstarr on 15:02, 10 July 12
I will, I need to work out how to get the best from my camera as the photos I took of my GX4000 mod are out of focus and pretty useless luckily I will be starting a new mod from scratch so I will take more care to get useful pics of the new GX Mod and the Megaflash. IT may not be the prettiest of MegaFlashes, but I think it will look ok, sorta like rainbow spaghetti lol!

Im still having difficulty tracking down the W29C040 in PLCC format. I've checked most places I trust, and eBay but only DIP versions are showing up. Little Diode had one but again after closer inspection it turned out to be a DIP version. There are other places showing up on Alibaba.com but I don't really trust that site. Plus they have minimum orders of 1000 pieces very cheap though I just don't plan on using that many of the things! And should they turn out to also be DIP version my head couldn't cope with the irony.

I forgot to mention that I'm still waiting on my order of 74LS374 ICs to arrive, so I guess I have not one but two vacant sockets to populate.

Well I'm off to perform some surgery on some brake calipers then if I have time do some soldering!
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Bryce on 20:39, 10 July 12
I can send you one if you like. PM me.

Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Badstarr on 22:49, 10 July 12
That would be great! PM sent  ;D
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Gryzor on 14:16, 16 July 12
Awww love is in the air... :)
Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: Bryce on 14:32, 16 July 12
Well it was actually just a W29C040 that was in the air, but it's landed now :)

Title: Re: Home made MegaFlash hits a speed bump!
Post by: TFM on 17:28, 16 July 12
The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (Funny Scene) [Full HD] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-HvU2sKheg#ws)
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