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General Category => Amstrad CPC hardware => Topic started by: Bryce on 18:09, 21 July 11

Title: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 18:09, 21 July 11
Hi All,
     I just completed the last of the tests and decided it was time to release the hardware design. You can find the initial information here: http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/MegaFlash (http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/MegaFlash) but this isn't complete, there'll be more to come when I've got that far.

Just a reminder and for those who might have missed it: I intend building a batch of these for any Wiki member who's interested. The prices are as follows:

MegaFlash with 512K Flash (32 ROMs): €75
Centronics Cable: €7
Edge Connector Cable: €10
Postage: €5

If you're interested and haven't said so yet, then send me a PM and let me know. The Batch will be made with professionally produced double-sided PCBs and will be a lot smaller (approx. 70mm x 55mm) than the prototype seen on the Wiki page.


Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: norecess on 19:57, 21 July 11
Wow, it's really great and sounds awesome.

I'm currently not having too much $$$ to spend on another Amstrad CPC device  :(  but I may eventually consider that in the following weeks..
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: SyX on 21:17, 21 July 11
Come on people!!! This is the EXPANSION that your CPC dream!!! ;)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: norecess on 21:50, 21 July 11
Yeah don't get me wrong, 512Kb is pretty great and I definitively NEED one. But 97 Euros converted to $CAD is about 130$CAD, which is unfortunately quite a big deal actually to me (= the exact cost of sending my little daughter 3 weeks at the nursery).
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: qbert on 22:08, 21 July 11
Too bad Bryce does not have a manufacturing facility to provide low-cost hardware  :D

I'm ok to contribute to the war effort.

 For comparison, Let me say I precisely bought an EASYFLASH cartrigde for Commodore 64 a few weeks ago and it only cost me $24, brand new from ebay (still in massive availability).

  "EasyFlash is a 1 MByte Flash EPROM card with multiple configurations and banks possible. It does not use traditional UV-EPROMs, but Flash memory. This makes it possible to "burn" the cartridge using your C64, no EPROM programmer is needed."

  the link: http://skoe.de/easyflash/index.php?page=the-hardware (http://skoe.de/easyflash/index.php?page=the-hardware)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Ynot.zer0 on 22:35, 21 July 11
Quote from: qbert on 22:08, 21 July 11
for Commodore 64 a few weeks ago and it only cost me $24

might also be related to the user base / consumers. (Am I about to say this?) With a bigger C64 audience the price can be lower but with the CPC there is a smaller audience so prices will be higher.

I'll admit the price is high, but it is a balance..... I have 2 original ROMboxes but I'll buy a Bryce version (partly to fund Bryce contributing further to the CPC cause and partly as a thank you to Bryce for the dedication of doing this task - he didn't have to do it).

If Bryce were in the UK, I'd buy him a Cider (I'm in the west country  ;D )... and none of that (alleged) Belgian Cidre (http://www.metro.co.uk/news/854465-stella-artois-set-to-launch-stella-cidre-in-uk) rubbish
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 23:16, 21 July 11
@Qbert: At the moment I haven't even 15 orders. You get me 1000+ orders, like I'd get for C64 hardware and you can have the MegaFlash a lot cheaper. As well as that, the C64 extension is a lot less complex than the MegaFlash, the C64 does the address decoding (just like Ataris cartridge port), whereas the MegaFlash has to do all that for the CPC. So even with 1000 orders it still wouldn't be quite as cheap as the C64 device. But the great thing is, unlike those C64 devices, I release all the schematics, layouts and instructions, so you don't have to buy it from me, you can make one yourself for less.

@ynot.zero: I'm in the UK quite often. I'll take you up on that offer some time :)

@norecess: Wow, nuseries are cheap in Aus. Here in Germany that would just barely pay for a week. Also, the €97 is if you want absolutely everything including connection cables for all types of CPCs. The MegaFlash cost €75-€5 postage, if you decide to install it internally (Yes it's small enough and I will be supplying instructions later) or you want to make up the cables yourself, then it's a lot cheaper.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: archcosmo on 01:21, 22 July 11
Hi Bryce

its 5euros the right amount for postage to Australia?

still 90euros = about 120Aust Dollars - not that bad for us ppl down here due to the favourable exchange rate  8) considering what this device can do (even the original Rombo ROMBOX sold on ebay for a few hundred euros earlier this year)

I've already indicated my interest via PM, so will send my payment when the time comes

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 05:07, 22 July 11
Quote from: qbert on 22:08, 21 July 11
For comparison, Let me say I precisely bought an EASYFLASH cartrigde for Commodore 64 a few weeks ago and it only cost me $24

Well, imagine... for the PC you will get it even cheaper... fresh from Taiwan...  ;)

Who cares that the quality control is left to the customer.  :P

BTW: The "Check Flash" function in the FlashROManager was not developped as a joke. It is intended to provide a product that really works. Not like that c64 crap. (Have I ever mentioned, that I hate c64...no? Well, I should... I will do it one day... :P ). :laugh:
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Gryzor on 10:20, 22 July 11
Yes, they're expensive, but they're also really, really cool. I've ordered one even though I can hardly afford it ATM, not only because it's a dream device for the CPC (and, as such, €75 is *not* too much) but because I really want to support the effort...

So, come on guys, this is an once-a-lifetime opportunity, imagine the price this will fetch in a few years' time! I bet Jesus will pay good money ;D
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: emuola on 21:51, 22 July 11
This might win the "most idiotic question of the year" -price, but hey, I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed...

I have the Hxc2001 floppy emulator and a CPC6128 and the combination works great! Is there any point of ordering a MegaFlash?

Please, be gentle ;)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: norecess on 03:10, 23 July 11
Good news  :) I finally decided to support this project too  ;D  and I will buy one (@Bryce: PM done).

@emuola : MegaFlash allows to get 16 ROMs on your CPC (at least, ROMs considered as "programs" - the ones numbered from 0 to 15). A ROM is a program that can be called instantly, cf. you just have to type |HXC or |QCMD to get into the program, without having program to load (RUN command).

Lots of ROMs exists to this day, the most interesting ones (to me at least !) are the Arnor's ones (Protext, Maxam, Utopia), Parados (you could use 800Kb per disc natively with it thanks to your HxC Floppy Emulator), HxC (the manager has a ROM version). And eventually QuickCMD, but people will start to think I want to promote my own work ahaha  ;)

Also, if you are a programmer, ROM programming is a very interesting topic. I sometimes criticize what Amstrad has been doing with its machine, but I recognize the ROM mechanism is really well done, extremely powerful.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: emuola on 07:21, 23 July 11
Ok, thanks norecess for the clarification :) I just might order one... ;)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: mr_lou on 07:42, 23 July 11
Does it work on my CPC464 which already have 64kb ram expansion + floppy?
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Kris on 07:45, 23 July 11
I will take one for sure !!!
@Bryce: MP done !
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Cpcmaniaco on 09:18, 23 July 11
I want one for me too.

I send you a PM, Bryce.

And thanks for these new hardware.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: MaV on 09:39, 23 July 11
Quote from: norecess on 03:10, 23 July 11
And eventually QuickCMD, but people will start to think I want to promote my own work ahaha  ;)

Don't be modest. QuickCMD will definitely have its place in my MegaFlash.

@bryce: I know I'm exaggerating here, but how many write cycles does the Flash memory last before it'll be a case for the bins? And can it be replaced easily? Will it outlast my grandgrandchildren? ;)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 12:19, 23 July 11
@Emuola: One of the advantages of ROM Software, which norecess didn't mention is the fact that the ROM programs use up almost no RAM, so programs like MAXAM (assembler) or Protext (Word Processor) still had most of the RAM free for the actual program/document you are working on.

@Mrlou: I always found it strange that the DDI-1 didn't have a through-connector, which messes up adding further extensions and would be a problem with the MegaFlash adapter (not the electronics, that would technically work fine). However, all is not lost, leave it with me and if you really want one, I will come up with a special adapter for your system.

@MaV: The Flash chip is a standard CMOS Flash. They are rated at 10,000 erase/write cycles, so each ROM position could be re-used 10.000 times (ie: will most likely outlive your CPC, and possibly even you) and the data on the IC will stay there for at least 10 years. It's also in a socket, so you can easily just pop it out and replace it with a new one, however, the Flash is write-protected when you buy them, so you will need a good EPROM Burner to turn off the write protection to use it. Although I might talk with TFM about writing a small program to do this on the MegaFlash if people need it.

If 10,000 times doesn't seem much, work it out: You could erase/re-program every single ROM position every day for over 27 years before it would start to show any errors.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: norecess on 12:53, 23 July 11
QuoteYou could erase/re-program every single ROM position every day for over 27 years before it would start to show any errors.

Prove it !
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: mr_lou on 13:08, 23 July 11
I'd like to hear from all of you your plans on what you'll use your MegaFlash board for. :-)

Quote from: Bryce on 12:19, 23 July 11
@Mrlou: I always found it strange that the DDI-1 didn't have a through-connector, which messes up adding further extensions and would be a problem with the MegaFlash adapter (not the electronics, that would technically work fine). However, all is not lost, leave it with me and if you really want one, I will come up with a special adapter for your system.

It does sound interesting and all, although I probably need someone to give me some examples of what I could use it for. Being a musician, I imagine I could of course have the STarKos ROM in one of the slots. But that's about as far as my imagination goes.
Stupid question: There's no RAM on the board, right?
So I have to have my 64k RAM expansion plugged in as well, and the DDI on top of that. So as far as I can see, I'd need some special Y-cable for the MegaFlash? Will everything still work fine then?
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 13:27, 23 July 11
@norecess: No problem, expect an E-Mail from me around January 2039. :D

@Mrlou: No, the MegaFlash has no RAM, so you could still use the 64K expansion if you need it. The "Y-cable" you need would actually be an edge connector / flat-cable to a 50 connector for the MegaFlash, but also continue on and end with an edge connector PCB, where you could plug in the 64K and/or the DDI-1.
As far as music is concerned, at the moment as you say, only StarKos would really be of interest to you, and if you already have it on ROM, then there's no real advantage for you. But I hope that when some of the programmers out there have a MegaFlash, that they'll either adapt existing programs or write new ones that take advantage of the Flash memory. For example, you can save 256K of samples in the "hidden area" (ROMs 16 to 31) which can be written to in milliseconds, read back even faster and don't loose their content when you turn it off. The same for graphic programs or games, that could use this area to store screens etc.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Terje_Norway on 18:28, 23 July 11

Just some questions before I places my order.

1. How have You planned payment of the boards ? ? ?
     PayPal, bank transfer, money in envelope (sent as registered letter) or sent as COD ? ? ?
2. When should we pay for it, and when will it be shipped from You ? ? ?
     (It took some time when we bought the Symbiface II years ago ! ! ! It was absolutely worth waiting for ! ! !)

Hope You understand my concern considering the practical details, if NOT You'll understand it when I places my order ! ! ! Planning to do so tomorrow (I hope ;) )


Terje Grind

(520 km north of OSLO ! ! !)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 19:38, 23 July 11
Quote from: norecess on 03:10, 23 July 11
... MegaFlash allows to get 16 ROMs on your CPC (at least, ROMs considered as "programs" - the ones numbered from 0 to 15).

Well, right. But if you install the ROM-Booster ROM at position 15 then you can use all 32 ROMs for the usual ROM software!!! This leaves you space for nearly everything! And if you don't use ROMs (in case they disturb you) then you just park them and the OS will not "see" them any longer :-)

Also BASIC and BINARY programs can be converted, to be started with an RSX directly from the ROM!

Quote from: norecess on 03:10, 23 July 11
And eventually QuickCMD, but people will start to think I want to promote my own work ahaha  ;)

I know you are joking here. But since you mention it... The MegaFlash is constructed very open minded, and it was not made to promote something. (But hey, if you like to install a well know OS you can do it.) Further it's not called SymbiFlash nor FutureFlash, it's just called MegaFlash. Nomen est omen. And any kind of software is very welcome, you are free to install what ever you want.

Actually we thought of a set of standard ROMs for the MegaFlash, just to fill it up before it get's shipped to the customer. And I think about Maxam and Protext... and others...

Quote from: mr_lou on 07:42, 23 July 11
Does it work on my CPC464 which already have 64kb ram expansion + floppy?

The MegaFlash is compatible with all other expansions like RAM, floppy or HxC. And it runs without problems with a CPC464. But like Bryce mentioned you must have a carry-through cable.
However, I must admit, that the MegaFlashROManager software for the 464 is not finished now. The work on this is currently in preparation of being started. The reason for the delay is, that I want to know the CPC6128 version running well first Then I start to convert the software. And this will be a major change, since it has 25 KB on CPC6128 and I have to press it into less than 10 KB on the CPC464, because we do need 2 * 16 KB RAM for buffering ROMs.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 20:00, 23 July 11
Quote from: Bryce on 12:19, 23 July 11
... Although I might talk with TFM about writing a small program to do this on the MegaFlash if people need it.

Sure, yes we can add such kind of functionality to the existing software. Just let me know what to do. Well, ok, I move my butt and start to study the Flash documentation now ... ;-)

Quote from: Bryce on 12:19, 23 July 11
If 10,000 times doesn't seem much, work it out: You could erase/re-program every single ROM position every day for over 27 years before it would start to show any errors.

And if you flash a ROM only once a week you can use it for... ... ... 192 years. Happy grandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandchildren

Quote from: norecess on 12:53, 23 July 11

Prove it !

Well if you want to prove the 10.000 cycles then request software from me. But you have to know that it will run for six and a half hours. After that time the Flash was flashed for 10.000 times and also checked for errors that often. But if you have bad luck then the Flash is able to to more erase/write cycles and then you have to wait a whole day for the result  ;D

What's about a "How long does my Flash last" contest? Maybe some spare Flash chips should be ordered first ;-)  8)

Quote from: mr_lou on 13:08, 23 July 11
It does sound interesting and all, although I probably need someone to give me some examples of what I could use it for. Being a musician, I imagine I could of course have the STarKos ROM in one of the slots. But that's about as far as my imagination goes.

Well, you can imagine the MegaFlash also as a kind of ROM disc already. Any kind of Basic or Binary program can be put into a ROM - as long as the program is not longer than 31 KB! Instead of load"xzx" you will type !xzx - the same way you use an RSX command.

If you want me to compile such ROMs for you just send me the programs and I create such ROMs. This offer is open for everyone. Any kind of help will be there  :)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 21:54, 23 July 11
@TFM, maybe when you've finished all the software you could release some standard assembly routines for saving to the MegaFlash, that other people could implement in their software to add MegaFlash functionality? Or would that be a lot of work?

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 22:53, 23 July 11
Quote from: Bryce on 21:54, 23 July 11
@TFM, maybe when you've finished all the software you could release some standard assembly routines for saving to the MegaFlash, that other people could implement in their software to add MegaFlash functionality? Or would that be a lot of work?


Well, you mean just a programming example? What's about a short, easy to undertand and well documented source? Would that work?

In which way should it be released? Source Code at the Wiki?

My apologies, I know it's no good manners to answer a question with a couple of them  8)  I'm going to create something usable in my Z80 kitchen quiete soon during this weekend.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: steve on 02:43, 24 July 11
Could a short BASIC program do the job?, it might only be used once so there does not seem a need to keep it in the megaflash.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: MacDeath on 04:08, 24 July 11
QuoteMegaFlash with 512K Flash (32 ROMs): €75
Centronics Cable: €7
Edge Connector Cable: €10
Postage: €5
I sadly see no ACID emulation here... :(

...But I heard there were some good apps in ROM on CPC...  ;)

Title: Re: Can't expand on ACID?
Post by: OCT on 09:27, 24 July 11
Quote from: MacDeath on 04:08, 24 July 11
I sadly see no ACID emulation here... :(
Unsurprisingly, since this creation lives on the Expansion Port and talks to the CPU, rather than in the cartridge bay where it could find the CCLR & SIN lines to unlock the ASIC.
However there was a fairly easy "hardware exploit" to emulate the ACID with some simple logic gate IC in the threads around here, the one disadvantage over a CPLD (devised in the "full clone" hack) being IIRC that it would only work on repeated resets some of the time:
http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/File:NoAcid_sch.png (http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/File:NoAcid_sch.png) from http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/ACID#Clones (http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/ACID#Clones).
Title: Re^2: Can't expand on ACID?
Post by: OCT on 09:54, 24 July 11
BTW, unlike a "less uncommon" 74HC112N which could be sourced at least in packs of 10 from http://de.rs-online.com/web/p/products/6631893 (http://de.rs-online.com/web/p/products/6631893), according to Nilquader in http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/index.php?topic=410.msg22291#msg22291 (http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/index.php?topic=410.msg22291#msg22291) (where we should probably move/continue that fork of this thread) this flip-flop absolutely, regrettably has to be a 74AC112N, unbeknownst even to RS Components (of last resort when the likes of Conrad, Maplin and Reichelt-to-the-rescue don't stock some obscure part).
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 10:44, 24 July 11
Very interesting stuff. I hadn't seen that before. I'll build one when I have time and see if I can improve it so that it doesn't need all those resets :) That would be a very useful circuit.

On the technical side, yes the AC version isn't that easy to find. The AC is the Advanced Schottky CMOS version. The F type is probably the closest to this, but as stated above probably wouldn't work (ie: would need even more resets).

Title: Re^4: Can't expand on ACID?
Post by: OCT on 10:59, 24 July 11
My understanding was that the repeated reset would be required on any kind of flip-flop, for the simple reason that by coincidence it had to start on the right (same-as-CPC/ASIC) logic state - statistically 50% of the time.
Maybe some more gate logic could be added to make sure that happens on every reset, but then again the CPLD (guaranteed to get it right every time) could become the "smaller" solution in terms of pin count and soldering effort.
Either way, "intercepting" CCLR+SIN before the cartridge connector would be another way (in addition to your MITM device) to open up the Plus&GX4000 for every homebrew cartridge we can think of (and I see how this might just trigger the idea of making a MegaCart too in your mind :) - with or without an emulated on-board ACID, albeit possibly PC-programmable since writing it from the CPC might become quite hard - the holy grail of course being a Bluetooth stack to remotely rewrite the cartridge, if need be even "with an App for that" ;)).
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: SyX on 17:35, 24 July 11
Quote from: TFM/FS on 22:53, 23 July 11Well, you mean just a programming example? What's about a short, easy to undertand and well documented source? Would that work?
Perfectly, it would work perfectly  ;)

Quote from: TFM/FS on 22:53, 23 July 11In which way should it be released? Source Code at the Wiki?
I think that it's the more sensible option,  the Wiki is the "CPC Encyclopedia"   :)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 00:06, 25 July 11
Quote from: TFM/FS on 22:53, 23 July 11
I'm going to create something usable in my Z80 kitchen quiete soon during this weekend.

OMG! I met Amanda and Erin yesterday, they brought me to the French Quarter, I returned home at 6:30 (a.m.!). However, promises are made to be held ;-) Btw: The Source is for the Maxam assembler.

So here is a link to the source. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me.

http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/File:Flash.dsk (http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/File:Flash.dsk)

Have a great week!

Quote from: steve on 02:43, 24 July 11
Could a short BASIC program do the job?, it might only be used once so there does not seem a need to keep it in the megaflash.

No, to program a Flash is something that must be performed in a special time frame / time schedule. Interrupts would screw all the timings up. You would just crash the system.
It's not as easy as to program a ROM-RAM-Box, RAMCARD or SYMBiFACE II, because they use S-RAM. And S-RAM has in particular big disadvantages!

However, it's also needed to activate the ROM with the right ROM number and the upper ROM must be switched on. You just can't do that in BASIC, even if you would block the interrupts (C9 at 38, + L-RAM).

Quote from: MacDeath on 04:08, 24 July 11
I sadly see no ACID emulation here... :(
The MegaFlash is an ROM expansion for all the CPCs. Only few use a CPC Plus. So why should all the users of the normal CPCs be bothered with an (for them) useless ACID emulation. Just use the Man-in-the-Middle solution from Bryce!  ;) :)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 08:07, 25 July 11
Hi all,
    just wanted to let you know that all edge connectors have now been sold. I mentioned earlier that I only had 10 of them and that when there gone there gone. So anyone else ordering from now on can only have Centronics or no cable. If anyone has a source for more 50way IDC edge connectors I'd like to hear from them. The part No. for these connectors is usually EC50-254.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: krusty_benediction on 09:13, 25 July 11

if it is present here: http://cpcparts.net/ (http://cpcparts.net/)
maybe you can contact Eliot
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 09:18, 25 July 11
 :) It is, I must speak with Eliot :) In that case, ignore my last post, you can still order the edge connector version.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: qbert on 21:16, 25 July 11
By the way, is it possible to build a unique carry-through cable using that rare connector on one side and then cross a potential infinite number of centronics connections on the main cable section or am I missing something ?
Each extension will then connect on the main cable using a "simple" female-centronics to pcb adaptor.
In case I'm right, it seems each CPC-old-non-schneider user in the world only need one of those rare connectors for every extensions he has or will ever have...
Am I wrong ?

Quote from: Bryce on 08:07, 25 July 11

Hi all,
    just wanted to let you know that all edge connectors have now been sold. I mentioned earlier that I only had 10 of them and that when there gone there gone. So anyone else ordering from now on can only have Centronics or no cable. If anyone has a source for more 50way IDC edge connectors I'd like to hear from them. The part No. for these connectors is usually EC50-254.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 22:57, 25 July 11
That's exactly why I use a header connector on the PCB. The 50way edge connector (the rare one) is a seperate cable, that you could use for other devices that had such a header. As well as that, by swapping the cables, one MegaFlash can be used on all types of CPC if you happen to own both types.
But it couldn't be infinite, probably about 5 devices would be the limit, due to current restrictions. And the physical length should be kept to a minimum too, otherwise each wire works as an antenna and picks up way too much noise from the monitor etc.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 23:21, 25 July 11
Let me remember... Once I had the following stuff at the same time at the Exp.-Port connector (some in parallel, some in chain) and it worked:

- 512 KB S-RAM (battery buffered)
- Dobbertin Hard-disc controller
- CPC-Booster
- Lightpen
- Vortex Controller (F1-D)

My monster-CPC currently has at the Exp. Port:
- EPROM card      /
- RAM card        / all Dobberting
- HD controller / --> has bus buffering
- small PCB creating Reset

It all runs well. But more would be maybe too much.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 08:06, 26 July 11
Yup, I would guess that you were very close to the limit there, although the expansions don't all pull lots of current at the same time, the 5V regulator in the Monitor was still probably pretty warm.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 22:25, 26 July 11
Right, guess it depends mostly on the type of the ICs (N-MOS, C-MOS or something modern ;)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 22:35, 26 July 11
Modern devices still are CMOS. The Flash IC on the MegaFlash is CMOS, but all the other ICs are 74 Series (TTL) which have also been around since long before the CPC.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 10:24, 27 July 11
Hi all,
       Last night I tested the actual current the MegaFlash is pulling from the CPC. According to the Datasheets, the theoretical absolute peak current should be 129mA (by adding the peak current value of each component). However, this never occurs, because at no point do all ICs pull their peak current at exactly the same time. In fact the highest measured peak I could get is when writing to the Flash, where I measured peaks of 68mA, reading the Flash required 42mA and in standby (ie: neither reading nor writing) the current was a measly 28mA. Considering that the expansion port can supply around 500mA, the MegaFlash can definitely be used with several other devices attached at the same time. Also remember, that the DDI-1 doesn't really require any current from the CPC, it actually gets most of it's current from the FD-1.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: SyX on 12:34, 27 July 11
Wonderful News Bryce!!!  :)

I hope that new expansions will use the MegaFlash for the program rom, enabling simpler and cheaper designs :) ... even more ambitous ;)

Quote from: TFM/FS on 00:06, 25 July 11
OMG! I met Amanda and Erin yesterday, they brought me to the French Quarter, I returned home at 6:30 (a.m.!). However, promises are made to be held ;-) Btw: The Source is for the Maxam assembler.

So here is a link to the source. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me.

http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/File:Flash.dsk (http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/../index.php/File:Flash.dsk)
Thanks TFM!!!  :)

I have converted the sources to the assembler that i use, the code is very easy to understand and the process is very straightforward(select the rom number, make visible in the upper rom position and copy the new rom there).

My only doubts are about the delay to write/erase bytes (32 ms to write 256 bytes) and the length in bytes of the data blocks to write in the flash (it looks that is 256 bytes). Although you have commented both in the sources, i know that i must read the datasheet to understand them, but something that you can say, it would be very helpful  ;)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 13:02, 27 July 11
Just to clarify the timing: When you write data to the W29C040 it is first written to a buffer which can hold 256bytes and then transferred to the Flash memory. When you start writing the bytes, you may not have a pause of more than 150µS between bytes. Otherwise the W29C040 thinks there's no more data coming. When this happens or the 256bytes of buffer are full, the Flash starts writing this data from the buffer to the Flash. This takes around 5ms, but may take up to 10ms. For that reason, after sending the 256bytes you will have to add a delay loop before you start sending the next 256byte.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 16:47, 27 July 11
Quote from: SyX on 12:34, 27 July 11
Wonderful News Bryce!!!  :)

I hope that new expansions will use the MegaFlash for the program rom, enabling simpler and cheaper designs :) ... even more ambitous ;)
Thanks TFM!!!  :)

I have converted the sources to the assembler that i use, the code is very easy to understand and the process is very straightforward(select the rom number, make visible in the upper rom position and copy the new rom there).

My only doubts are about the delay to write/erase bytes (32 ms to write 256 bytes) and the length in bytes of the data blocks to write in the flash (it looks that is 256 bytes). Although you have commented both in the sources, i know that i must read the datasheet to understand them, but something that you can say, it would be very helpful  ;)

Hi SyX (cool Pseudo btw...)

Yes, right, the Flash gets programmed in pages of 256 bytes. This happens the following way:

- A buffer page of 256 Bytes is filled with bytes. (They must not be ordered). As soon as you write the first byte, this process starts. But all the written bytes of a page don't go directly to the Flash, they go to a buffer first. This 256 bytes buffer holds the bytes, as long as the writing continues.

- Now, you have to wait several ms. If you have been waiting long enought, then the Flash erases a 256 bytes page in the Flash. And then the 256 bytes buffer get's written to the Flash-Memory.
(The waiting time is a sign for the Flash, that the buffer is filled up completly).

Hmmm... I hope to have been able to explain this ... well, if I wasn't clear enough... just ask  :)

EDIT: Oh, I see, Bryce already explained it. But I want to mention another point. It may be possible that different producers of the Flash have slightly different timings. So it's good to have some 'space' to be able to work with all Flash types.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: SyX on 18:06, 27 July 11
Thank you very much to both, you are always very helpful  :)

Quote from: TFM/FS on 16:47, 27 July 11EDIT: Oh, I see, Bryce already explained it. But I want to mention another point. It may be possible that different producers of the Flash have slightly different timings. So it's good to have some 'space' to be able to work with all Flash types.
Totally agreed, that it's a good practice  :)

Quote from: TFM/FS on 16:47, 27 July 11Hi SyX (cool Pseudo btw...)
i heard that all cool pseudos use three letters  ;D
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 18:14, 27 July 11
There are a few other manufacturers, but there's no standard, that means that some use different timing, but some have page sizes and some can't permanently disable the software write-protection, so they wouldn't work at all on the MegaFlash (at the moment). So generally if you are going to replace the Flash, it should really be a W29C040 from Winbond.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 19:58, 27 July 11
Quote from: Bryce on 18:14, 27 July 11
There are a few other manufacturers, but there's no standard, that means that some use different timing, but some have page sizes and some can't permanently disable the software write-protection, so they wouldn't work at all on the MegaFlash (at the moment). So generally if you are going to replace the Flash, it should really be a W29C040 from Winbond.


So let's hope that micro$oft will not buy Winbond, else these Flash chips will get really slow ;-)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: norecess on 03:15, 28 July 11
QuoteThe MegaFlash is an ROM expansion for all the CPCs.

Of course, it depends of ROM you are actually using. I know it's bad from me, but my ROMs (HxC and QuickCMD) are actually not compatible with Amstrad 464.

@Bryce I guess it's premature from me to ask this, but any idea when do you plan to eventually start making first batch of MegaFlash commands ?  :)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 08:23, 28 July 11
Hi norecess,
      the batch is already being prepared. The PCBs have been ordered and I hope they will arrive late next week or early the week after. The components will be ordered today. So I should be ables to build the first MegaFlash around the 7t or 8th of August.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 09:38, 28 July 11
For those who might be interested, here's the final Layout. The actual size of the PCB is 68mm x 56mm. So it is approximately the width of the expansion port connector or for the smokers among us, it'll fit inside a 20 pack :D I can already imagine the "Mod" casings that comment is going to produce :D

As you can see, I've added text in the copper for the Read/Write switch (The "R" and "W" on the right) and also a "0" and "7" so that you don't forget which jumper does what. The White placement/part/value text won't be printed on the PCB.

I will be uploading the DIY layout files to the Wiki as soon as the layout has been confirmed.


Edit: Just in case you are not used to reading layout drawings, the red lines are the tracks on the top of the PCB, the blue ones are the bottom layer tracks.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 10:38, 05 August 11
Hi all,
    the PCBs have just arrived! I'll solder one up and post some pictures here and on the Wiki page as soon as I have time.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Gryzor on 10:41, 05 August 11
Quote from: Bryce on 10:38, 05 August 11
Hi all,
    the PCBs have just arrived! I'll solder one up and post some pictures here and on the Wiki page as soon as I have time.


Mine! Mine! (so long as it works).
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Kris on 12:52, 05 August 11
Great !!! Hope to see them soldered quickly.......If it can help you to gain time, I'm ok to received the megaflash as a kit to solder by myself.  ;D
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 13:23, 05 August 11
I did consider the "Kit" option, but I thought it's better to send them built and (more importantly) tested so that things don't get complicated. As well as that, the Flash IC needs to be initialised before it can be used, which means the kit owner would need to own an expensive EPROM Burner to complete the job.

I will build one (hopefully tonight) just so that I can release a picture. And if all goes well I should have time to build and send out quite a few next week.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Gryzor on 15:14, 05 August 11
Well, it's a trade-off: right now it takes some time to solder everything in place; whereas if you sent out kits you'd have to deal with support requests I guess...
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: norecess on 16:29, 05 August 11
QuoteI will build one (hopefully tonight) just so that I can release a picture

Let us know how it works out. All eyes here are looking at you ! :)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 17:10, 05 August 11
Patience friends! When starting to produce a new project - especially at the very beginning - it's really important to do enough tests.
And Bryce wants only to sell 1000% tested, checked and certified MegaFlash cards. He is damn-right ;-)

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Nilquader on 17:34, 25 January 12
Just to clear things up: The ACID hardware hack DOES NOT need repeated resets. It works just from the beginning. Only if you habe a hardware reset button and you press it there is a 50 percent chance that the flipflop is in the wrong state and the system will not boot again. In this case just press the button again and the system will be fine!

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 21:01, 25 January 12
Wow, that's much more stable than the statements I've read. That needs to be known. I haven't tried the hack out myself, but if it works that well, there's no point in investing time and energy developing a PAL or µP solution. That's more than enough. I think I'll make myself one and do some serious testing. It would make some of my ideas much more viable :)

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: 00WReX on 14:00, 26 January 12
Hi Bryce,
just read that there is a rev.a & rev.b MegaFlash.
And as far as I could tell the only difference is the R/W switch.
Was there any reason for the change ?
Sorry if you have mentioned this previously.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 14:05, 26 January 12
I just call them Rev A. and Rev. B. but the only difference is the switch used: Rev. A has a small blue switch, Rev. B is a larger black and white switch (which unfortunately blocks the "R" and "W" on the PCB). There's no other changes and it's exactly the same PCB. The change was only made because my component supplier dis-continued the blue switch so I had to source an alternative.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: 00WReX on 14:28, 26 January 12
Ah, OK...thanks.  :)

And the R & W being mostly covered is not an issue.
The LED does the job nicely  :D

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 14:57, 26 January 12
Yes, but the "R" and "W" were put there, so that you can be sure you are in Read mode before you turn on the CPC. If you turn the CPC on and the LED lights, then it's already too late and you may have corrupted bits in the Flash.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: 00WReX on 15:10, 26 January 12
Just need to have a glimpse at the LED as you are about to switch off the CPC.
No LED and you are good to go  :D

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: 00WReX on 12:04, 01 February 12
Hi all,
Sorry in advance if this is a dumb question, and I know it's been discussed before...but from what I've read and what I am actually seeing... ???
On a classic CPC can you run a modified/hex edited version of BASIC (ROM 0) without any other mod.
I understand that the firmware & BASIC must match, and did read a reply from Bryce in the Megaflash progress post that said...

QuoteYou can overwrite ROM 0 (Basic) on any CPC, but you can not simply replace Basic
1.0 with Basic 1.1 without having replaced the lower ROM (Firmware), the reason
for this is that the Firmware Version has to match the Basic Version. You can
create patched/edited Basic ROMs and no changes need to be made inside the CPC.
The MegaFlash can't overwrite the Firmware, so this would have to be done inside
the CPC or with an additional expansion card.

To me, this sounds like you can, I have a 6128 and did a simple hex edit to a 6128 basic rom and it does not work in the MegaFlash in ROM 0 with the jumper on the board set to activate ROM 0 on the MegaFlash. My hex edit was simply to change the "Ready" with "Hello", purely for the purpose of testing this out and it works fine in an emulator. Am I missing something...even with the BASIC that was on the MegaFlash when it was sent out it does the same thing.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 16:29, 01 February 12
Strange, that should work. I have done similar stupid BASIC mods and they worked. Upload the ROM so that I (and others) can give it a go.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 19:00, 01 February 12
@Shane: Do you have the latest version of ROManager?
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: 00WReX on 21:59, 01 February 12
Thanks guys for the reply...firstly, I am using version 1.35 of the ROManager from the FutureOS website.

What I am seeing with the BASIC ROM on the Megaflash (in pos 0) is in the first attached picture...and it cyclic reboots every few seconds. If I switch the jumper on the MegaFlash back to the off position (jumper to the left) while it is doing this, the CPC will then boot normally.

The second attached screenshot is the modified ROM running under WinCPC.

And the ROM is attached...the only two changes made are:-
1) Changed "1.1" to "1.2" for the BASIC version.
2) Changed "Ready" to "Hello" for the prompt.

Thanks again...very interested to hear what you think, and also if possible could someone upload a modified BASIC ROM file that you have definately tested as working on the Megaflash in ROM position 0 and the CPC6128 boots from it.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 23:47, 01 February 12
Hi there!

Ok, IMHO your ROM is NOT the problem. Please try to use the attached software (under FutureOS). I assume it will work. If not, please let me know.

This is not an official release!!! But it shall do the job.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: 00WReX on 10:07, 02 February 12
OK, thanks.
I tried version 1.44 under FutureOS...and things are just not happening as I'd expect.
I know I'm sounding like a real noob here, but I've played around with so many things over the years, I'd like to think I have not got this wrong.
Anyway, I was assuming the FutureOS ROManager works the same way as the Basic version (had not used the FutureOS version before).
So, I load it up no problems (black & white colour scheme instead of the blue (for basic). Version check = 1.44
Go to load a ROM as you do in the basic version. The ROM loads from the disk, then instead of the giving you the ROM screen
to select the position it simply returns to the main screen so I tried the 1.35 version for FutureOS and it's the same.

I have parked all ROMs so that only the FutureOS ROMs (in pos 10 to 13) are active, and again run the ROManager from disc...same result.
Also with ver 1.44, I've noticed a "reset CPC" option.
If I select that before attempting the load rom as mentioned above, then it works and the CPC resets.
If I attempt to load a rom as mentioned above (and that does not work), then go to reset CPC, all that happens is the ROManager returns
to the main screen.

So any ROM I try to load fails in the FutureOS versions of ROManager...these all load with the BASIC version...Something is not right.
Did a bit more looking around and noticed that (via MangeDSK) the ROMs that are included with the BASIC version on ROManager
are saved as Binary files...The ROMs that are included with the FutureOS version are saved as ASCII...

All my ROMs that I have been using are saved as Binary.

I must admit, I have not read this anywhere, but I must have missed this...

Once I saved one of my ROMs as ASCII, it loaded fine under the FutureOS ROManager.

But, still no go with the BASIC ROM, even after trying the ASCII version under ROManager for FutureOS.

Admittedly I've only had the Megaflash a very short time, but I thought I had it all worked out with the ROmanager software.
Maybe not...

So at the moment, I back where I started...

Can anyone confirm 100% that they can get the BASIC ROM0 working from the MegaFlash. I would be really interested to hear if you do. Thanks.


Just gave this a try via QuickCMD and it only likes the Binary saved ROMs, will not load the ASCII ones.
But the BASIC ROM still produces the same result once enabled on the MegaFlash.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 14:42, 02 February 12
This might sound really stupid, but was the BASIC ROM that you edited, the correct one for your CPC, ie: was it BASIC 1.1 if your are doing this on a 6128 or BASIC 1.0 on a 464? There are many reasons for the effect you're describing, so there are a few other things that might need to be checked.

When I get home at the weekend, I'll make an edited ROM that I have tested on my CPC and send you the image, that way we can see if its a software glitch or a hardware issue.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: 00WReX on 14:51, 02 February 12
Hi Bryce, yes I'm using a Schneider 6128 (so just an english ROM), and yes definately an English 6128 BASIC is what I'm using.
Also this is confirmed with an emulator.

Out of interest, what ROM 0 was installed on the MegaFlash when it was shipped ?

Also, is anybody with a MegaFlash able to test this out...even if you simply try moving the ROM 0 board jumper across to the right and see if you CPC boots correctly. Thanks.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 15:00, 02 February 12
Hi 00WReX,
       as the effects of the last beer starts to wear off, something just occured to me: To write ROM0 to the MegaFlash you have to use a slightly different process:

1 - Boot the CPC with the ROM0 Jumper in the OFF position.
2 - Do all the next steps with the ROManager as usual.
3 - When the ROManager tells you to switch the MegaFlash to write mode, you need to move the ROM0 Jumper, then switch to write mode and press any key.
4 - When it starts beeping switch back to read mode and restart the CPC.

Is this the process you've used?

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: 00WReX on 15:44, 02 February 12
Ahhh Bryce, yes...got it working and no I was not using this procedure...I was not aware that I had to move the jumper to the right before writing ROM 0.
Excellent, that was doing my head in. I'm sure you've said it somewhere before, but I did not remember it.

And it still was not straight forward...

Seeing your post I got all excited...tried it straight away and same result (BASIC version of ROManager)...then tried FutureOS version...same.

Sh!t...then I thought of trying QuickCMD again and it worked...not sure what the story is with all that, and I will try again with ROManager, but hey I'm happy. Thanks again.

So now my 6128 that has Basic version 1.20 onboard is running Basic version 1.23 from the MegaFlash with the boot message changed to reflect this. Just for fun and because you can  :D

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 22:36, 02 February 12
So it all works? Glad to hear that!!!  :) :) :)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: 00WReX on 08:08, 03 February 12
Hi Guys,

My testing continued today as I had the day off work...this is what I have noticed...

Using Bryce's described method above for writing to ROM position 0 on the MegaFlash,

If I load up a BASIC file onto ROM 0 in Binary form via QuickCMD  the CPC boots fine off  the Megaflash ROM 0 on reset.
If I load up a BASIC file onto ROM 0 in ASCII form via ROManager for FutureOS  the CPC boots fine off  the Megaflash ROM 0 on reset.
If I load up a BASIC file onto ROM 0 in Binary form via ROManager for BASIC  the CPC cyclic reboots on reset.

But, this is what I have observed...

With FutureOS parked, I can load up a BASIC file onto ROM 0 in Binary form via QuickCMD.
Exit out and reboot the CPC and all is fine (CPC boots off the MegaFlash ROm 0).
If I un-park FutureOS (activate it) and exit from ROManger and then reboot, the CPC cyclic reboots and it appears that ROM 0 gets corrupted (Calculated
Checksum is different before and after activating FutureOS).

If I go in the other direction, and use ROManager for FutureOS, I can load up a BASIC file onto ROM 0 in ASCII form.
Exit out and reboot the CPC and all is fine (CPC boots off the MegaFlash ROm 0).
Now if I park FutureOS (de-activate it) and exit from ROManger and then reboot, the CPC cyclic reboots and it appears that ROM 0 gets corrupted
(Calculated Checksum is different before and after activating FutureOS).

So to cut a long story short, If I have ROM 0 activated via the jumper on the MegaFlash, and I Park/un-park (disable/enable) futureOS, it appears that
the ROM 0 gets corrupted, and this appears to be confirmed by the before & after Calculated Checksum.

To prevent the ROM 0 corruption, prior to Parking/un-parking the FutureOS ROM make sure that the ROM 0 jumper on the MegaFlash is set to OFF (the left hand side position).

OK it appears that you need to move the ROM 0 jumper to off prior to any writes to the MegaFlash, otherwise ROM 0 gets corrupted.

Hope this all makes sense,
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 21:38, 03 February 12

Well, I know that there is a chance that ROM 0 write-enabled could cause problems (in it). But in the next update of the ROManager this will not be a problem any longer (therefor 1.44 works). I'm curious that QCMD ins not having the same troubles (I'm too lazy to check its code though). However after the next update everything shall be fine.

Here a BIG THANK YOU to SyX for helping and testing nearly endless to fix the last bug.

Now to explain the problem. The Basic version switches Basic on after the write cycle, this may corrupt some bytes there during the wait-time for the keypress. In the update the CPC banks to a DEAD zone, so unexpected write cycles go into the DEAD zone and everything is fine.

ADDON: Parking and Unparking can corrupt ROM 0, that's true. But it does not matter if FutureOS is parked or not, because FutureOS doen not interact with the native CPC-OS. It just provides an RSX command for starting it. It does not alter the CPC-OS.

Quote from: 00WReX on 08:08, 03 February 12
To prevent the ROM 0 corruption, prior to Parking/un-parking the FutureOS ROM make sure that the ROM 0 jumper on the MegaFlash is set to OFF (the left hand side position).

Parking FutureOS? That's blasphemy :P :laugh: :-X

Quote from: 00WReX on 08:08, 03 February 12
OK it appears that you need to move the ROM 0 jumper to off prior to any writes to the MegaFlash,

That's absolutely correct, but in ROManager 1.44 the bug is killed :-)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: 00WReX on 06:06, 04 February 12
Thanks TFM, apprciate the reply.

Actually you will be pleased to know that FuturOS is permanently on the MegaFlash now and active all the time (I will not park it anymore I promise  ;) ).

But, you may not like this part  :'( ...
To have FutureOS permanaently activated I needed to change the bootup colour scheme as for me personally I did not like the original colour scheme.
I must be getting boring in my old age, but I settled on the basic original blue & yellow colours.
I did also try another simple text only colour change, but boring blue & yellow it is for me. Attached are the pictures of my changes.
I will not post the changed files, because I'm sure you don't want edited files floating about (I did only change the colours though).
The files will be for my personal use only  :) .


Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 08:37, 04 February 12
Glad you got it all working. And good to know that it's not a Hardware problem, or that your device got damaged on its way to Australia :)

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 00:57, 05 February 12
Quote from: 00WReX on 06:06, 04 February 12
Thanks TFM, appreciate the reply.

Actually you will be pleased to know that FutureOS is permanently on the MegaFlash now and active all the time (I will not park it anymore I promise  ;) ).

You make me the most lucky man today! Well appreciated  :) :) :)

Quote from: 00WReX on 06:06, 04 February 12
But, you may not like this part  :'( ...
To have FutureOS permanaently activated I needed to change the bootup colour scheme as for me personally I did not like the original colour scheme.
I must be getting boring in my old age, but I settled on the basic original blue & yellow colours.
I did also try another simple text only colour change, but boring blue & yellow it is for me. Attached are the pictures of my changes.
I will not post the changed files, because I'm sure you don't want edited files floating about (I did only change the colours though).

Thanks' a lot for your feedback!!! I will add your thoughts to my To-Do list right now! Guess I will change the installer in a way that allows the user to change colors (and even the beep).

Quote from: 00WReX on 06:06, 04 February 12
I will not post the changed files, because I'm sure you don't want edited files floating about (I did only change the colours though).

Well, it's ok for me if your release some "updates". But what I really like is the fact, that you share your thoughts. So things can get better and any comments are appreciated  :)  (And if changes take time, then it's not stubbornness, just lack of time).
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: 00WReX on 02:00, 05 February 12
Thanks again TFM,
I'm constantly impressed by what you and others are able to achieve (both Software & Hardware) with the humble CPC.
And your passion for the CPC is obvious, and would never call you stubborn...I fully understand trying to find the time is the hardest part.
I am also very busy with my work and have 3 teenage kids that are often in different places all at once...I feel like a taxi service  ;D

8) :D

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 02:24, 06 February 12
Well, if the kids are nice and wash the car, then you can let em play R-Type on the CPC  ;)

However, coming back to the MegaFlash. My weekend didn't work as expected, and I'll be busy next week, so the update to ROManager 1.44 will take some more time. However Bryce will help me in testing one of the new functions (Switch Software Data Protection OFF), if it works we can do even this on a real CPC now. (BTW. The SDP must be switched off once if you install a new Flash memory).
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 10:57, 09 February 12
Alas, my stock of MegaFlashes has finally come to an end. However, I will continue collecting names of people interested in having one and might consider a second batch later this year.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Gryzor on 19:45, 04 March 12
Nahhh it's good as it is, this way ours will be worth more in a few years' time :D
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 16:15, 05 March 12
Quote from: Gryzor on 19:45, 04 March 12
Nahhh it's good as it is, this way ours will be worth more in a few years' time :D

Don't worry, the second batch will get an ugly red icon or something disturbing ;-) Well, at least if we ask Bryce very nicely  ;D
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 16:33, 05 March 12
I actually ordered a few more MegaFlash PCBs when I was ordering the LowerROM PCBs, so I have a few more if anyone still wants one. They are identical to the original boards, so I will have to investigate methods of adding a huge ugly red icon to keep you happy :D

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 20:39, 05 March 12
Well, I know this is getting a bit off topic now, but.... Great to hear that you ordered the LowerROM PCBs :-)))
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 20:46, 05 March 12
There's a thread for it here http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/amstrad-cpc-hardware/lowerrom-swapper/ (http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/amstrad-cpc-hardware/lowerrom-swapper/) , with pictures :)

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 20:52, 05 March 12
Thanks' friend, just saw it. I'm still pretty sick, so my brain doesn't work well. Already emailed you :-)))
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 22:12, 23 July 12
Well.... maybe slowly it's getting time to a second batch of MegaFlash cards? Any interrest? Please post here.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 09:20, 24 July 12
I still have a few MegaFlashes available, so anyone interested can just contact me with a PM. No futher batches are required yet.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Gryzor on 15:02, 07 August 12
...and now I'm tempted again.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 15:19, 07 August 12
You should have told me before I sent you the parcel this week. Which just reminds me, I could have sent you that prototype too, if I had thought of it... Oops.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 20:20, 07 August 12
Get that prototype into the internet, and your will have great founding for new projects  :) :) :)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 20:25, 07 August 12
It's the 16 Slot version, that used a different flash with a different page size. Although the hardware still works, it doesn't work with your software. We had one very early version, that worked with it, but we changed to the larger flash and the software only works with that now.


Edit: The flash is full of ROMs and can be written to with an EPROM programmer, so you could still use it as a ROMBoard I suppose.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 20:29, 07 August 12
Quote from: Bryce on 20:25, 07 August 12
It's the 16 Slot version, that used a different flash with a different page size. Although the hardware still works, it doesn't work with your software. We had one very early version, that worked with it, but we changed to the larger flash and the software only works with that now.


No problem, I developped it in Shaddow mode in the same time. You just need to check it once. IIRC the page size was only &80 bytes instead of &100 and sure, it had 256 KB. Have to look at the source at home... means later ;-)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: amstar on 21:15, 09 August 12
Hi there! 
Does anybody know if it still possible to get a Megaflash?
Great forum by the way!  Thanks!
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Gryzor on 13:08, 10 August 12
Quote from: amstar on 21:15, 09 August 12
Hi there! 
Does anybody know if it still possible to get a Megaflash?
Great forum by the way!  Thanks!

Take a look a few posts back!
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: TFM on 16:56, 10 August 12
Quote from: amstar on 21:15, 09 August 12
Hi there! 
Does anybody know if it still possible to get a Megaflash?
Great forum by the way!  Thanks!
Hi and welcome here! Just sent a Personal Message (PM) to Bryce, who developped the wonderful MegaFlash. If you have any questions / comments about the software, let me know.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: amstar on 21:20, 10 August 12
Oh sorry. Didn`t check the thread thorough enough. Will send Bryce a message. Thanks.
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Gryzor on 12:42, 14 August 12
No problem, if you do buy it prepare to be very pleasantly surprised :)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: amstar on 21:17, 05 September 12
Hello again fellow Amstrad-fans! Well, have tried the Megaflash now and I must say it works great on my 6128. Great substitute for those expensive rom boards that rarely turns up on Ebay. It's tiny, but still powerful. Really fun to try out different rom files. So thanks to Bryce and others involved in making this wonderful device!  :)
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 09:11, 06 September 12
Glad you like it.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: amstar on 23:00, 06 September 12
The Megaflash is a fragile little device, so probably wise to have some protection around it. Putting it inside a case would have been nice. Anyone of you Megaflash-owners who have done this?
Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: Bryce on 23:09, 06 September 12
It's not that fragile actually. I have one that's been thrown around my desk for ages and still works fine, but I still wouldn't advise you to mistreat it like I do. I have one that I built into a case, there a thread about it here: MegaFlash CaseMod (http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/amstrad-cpc-hardware/megaflash-casemod/) with some mods and info from others too.

Title: Re: MegaFlash Released!
Post by: amstar on 23:43, 06 September 12
Your mod is spot on. Exactly what I'm looking for! Thanks for the info!
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