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Using SymbOS with the GFX9000 (MSX grapics card)

Started by Edoz(MSX), 14:27, 27 March 17

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Contact Prodatron for the AMSDAP. About testing just send me something and I will return an updated DSK (where results are save too).  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Sorry I didn't respond earlier.

@Prodatron contacted me and offered to send me a board for testing. :) I was waiting for it to arrive. It has not come yet.

In the meantime, @HAL 6128 I will contact you by PM tonight. Thank you.

I don't need the board to be connected to a display for my first set of tests.

I did think of making an MSX version of the tests so @keith56 could run them but because HAL 6128 has offered I will take up that offer :)

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Great news! I'm looking forward to seeing a CPC emulator support the V9K... it'll be a real help for would-be developers of the thing... and may bring a few MSX devs over to the CPC as well!
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Quote from: arnoldemu on 13:14, 02 October 18
I don't need the board to be connected to a display for my first set of tests.

So, post a DSK and I will run it.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


A huge thank you to @Prodatron . The Powergraph arrived yesterday and I started my tests today.Thank you for the surprise in the package! :)
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Quote from: arnoldemu on 21:07, 03 October 18
A huge thank you to @Prodatron . The Powergraph arrived yesterday and I started my tests today.Thank you for the surprise in the package! :)

Wow! Great news! Thanks to Prodatron and arnoldemu for their efforts in bringing V9K support to CPC emulation!
Chibi Akumas: Comedy-Horror 8-bit Bullet Hell shooter!
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...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Progress report:

Most of this is register and port access, making sure it does exactly as it should on a real device so you can be confident that your code to access the registers, ports and data is correct.
I have also updated the cpcwiki with my findings.

- access to the palette registers is done. (all the auto increment, setting ternery to 3, bit masks etc).
- access to the ports, auto-increment port read/write, which ports are write only, which are read only and the specific data returned when you read.
- access to the registers,auto-increment with read/write, which registers are write only, which are read only, which bits are used.
- read/write access to vram through port 0
- most of the v9990 state after reset (registers reset to 0 etc).

To do:
- what happens during reset (where you use the control register to reset it). What is readable? What is writeable? What values are seen? When is reset done on writing '1' or '0'?
- all the commands (I have place holder code, but now I need to do more detailed analysis of exactly what happens when different bit depths and modes and x,y are chosen).
- actually display something. (will do after the commands)

With a real device it made this much easier :)

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excellent news! I'm looking forward to seeing the result!
Chibi Akumas: Comedy-Horror 8-bit Bullet Hell shooter!
Learn ARM, 8086, Z80, 6502 or 68000 with my tutorials:
My Assembly programming book is available now on amazon!


Great stuff Kev. Can't wait to make this the default emulator for quigs and the gfx9000 game editor.


Another update:
- logical vram -> physical vram mapping is working (both in vram access via port and point command).
- point command is working in 2bpp, 4bpp, 8bpp and 16bpp modes.
I hope that a lot of the pixel reading/writing is shared inside the silicon so this work is good for the other commands too.
byte->byte move and pset command will be next.

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My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: HAL 6128 on 20:37, 25 September 18
@GUNHED : I bought an LG Flatron M1921A from "Ebay Kleinanzeigen" in Germany for about 10 €. It works fine with the powergraph. Just plug it via VGA cable.

Well, now I bought the exact same monitor, but it doesn't work! Is there some trick to it? --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Hi TFM,how did you connect the powergraph to the monitor (VGA cable?)Switch the monitor to RGB-DTV.How did you start the robot files (which order)?
I had some issues with the right order of loading the files:

...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Quote from: HAL 6128 on 20:40, 23 October 18
Hi TFM,how did you connect the powergraph to the monitor (VGA cable?)Switch the monitor to RGB-DTV.How did you start the robot files (which order)?

Well, I used a VGA cable (to the 15 pin connector), this does not work for the GFX9000. But it does work if I connect may Laptop instead. Also the SCART works with the CPC6128 being connected.

The Robo files I did start in the order it was suggested, of course it suxx to have the need to start 11 times before one is able to check the card being working. It would be nice to have one files which just displays a screen (different border and paper for example), just something simple. So, I don't know if my card is broken of the monitor has a problem with it.
BTW: The monitor allows to switch input between TV, AV1, AV2 and RGB. I get not signal whichever I use.
First I thought I need a special cable, but the same cable runs with the Laptop, but not with the GFX9000. Got no idea what to do. Guess I try again next week.  :(

EDIT: Ok, seems to be enough to run ROBO to see something going on on the VGA screen at least. Good to know! --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Hey I just thought I'd add a link to a video I just uploaded of work in progress on the Powergraph - v9990 game engine thats being built into Quig/Symbos. For those of you who don't know Quigs is an IDE/Compiler which has been used to develop many apps (By Edo) for Symbos. However now is the time to use the power of symbos for g9k games.
Currently I'm half way through my Powergraph v9990 Mode P1 level mapping editor, so its going to get a lot nicer than you see in the video hopefully. Eventually will be fully integrated into the compiler/game engine. Sorry for the poor quality, but any questions of suggestions let me know.


It actually looks pretty awesome already!


Quote from: Trebmint on 21:03, 17 March 19
Hey I just thought I'd add a link to a video I just uploaded of work in progress on the Powergraph - v9990 game engine thats being built into Quig/Symbos. For those of you who don't know Quigs is an IDE/Compiler which has been used to develop many apps (By Edo) for Symbos. However now is the time to use the power of symbos for g9k games.
Currently I'm half way through my Powergraph v9990 Mode P1 level mapping editor, so its going to get a lot nicer than you see in the video hopefully. Eventually will be fully integrated into the compiler/game engine. Sorry for the poor quality, but any questions of suggestions let me know.

Will this be for amstrad or msx?
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Quote from: XeNoMoRPH on 07:25, 18 March 19
Will this be for amstrad or msx?
The same game will run on both CPC and MSX (Possibly even Enterprise) as long as you have a v9990 attached. This is the same as any Symbos App, except it will be full screen v9990 if you have the hardware. And because it runs on  Symbos you have the additional benefits of being able to support large media, networking, mouse etc etc.

The idea has been that as Symbos supported hardware that Quigs did too in its language. With the Powergraph I now have the ability to make a Unity/AGD like games tool for the rapid development of game apps. Does anyone remember the film Field of Dreams... "Build it and they will (developers) come!"


Nice to see interrests for doing advanced things for SymbOS, because that deserve at the same time the MSX, CPC, Enterprise users. (and PCW when a V9990 will come)
May be some others Z80 computers like PC-98 will use this OS next if some good games come true... The V9990 finally have a real interrest afer 25 years, by unifying them!
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Last weekend I saw the Quigs and how to work with it. Actually, it's quite impressive and seems to be very efficient too. I couldn't understand everything he did, because the letters are so small (laptop), but it seems to be fully fledged now. Great tool! --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 18:08, 18 March 19
Last weekend I saw the Quigs and how to work with it. Actually, it's quite impressive and seems to be very efficient too. I couldn't understand everything he did, because the letters are so small (laptop), but it seems to be fully fledged now. Great tool!
Thanks GUNHED. Nice you noticed that its efficient. I've put a lot of effort into the language and getting the compiled code as fast and tight as possible. Obviously you can never get close to hand coded Z80 even with C. But like you I'm determined to cut those cycles down to the minimum possible. We're going to need quick if the games are going to be any good.


Ah, C is fine :-) The nice guys from the Netherlands showed how incredible it is and to "make" a screen with boxes and all that features only takes second. I'm sure also the generated programs are fine. However in very few occasions one can include Z80 code (I guess). If the result is 3% slower than pure machine code, who cares?  ;)  Pure awesomeness!  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 22:12, 18 March 19
Ah, C is fine :-) The nice guys from the Netherlands showed how incredible it is and to "make" a screen with boxes and all that features only takes second. I'm sure also the generated programs are fine. However in very few occasions one can include Z80 code (I guess). If the result is 3% slower than pure machine code, who cares?  ;)  Pure awesomeness!  :)
Its probably a lot more than 3% though  :( . I think its the structure of high level language against the way a good z80 coder codes and juggles registers. The differences for more modern processors favour this style, but the z80 with its limited register set means I will never get close to the 'to the metal' code most experienced z80 guys would. The code does have a certain elegance to it though.

For instance a command such as this
   Button1.Text.RSet Str(a+32)+Mid("Hello",a-1,a+10)
Converts too:

   LD HL,Button1
   PUSH HL                             ;/x99
   LD HL,(Button1_Text)
   PUSH HL                             ;/x99
   LD DE,(var_wrd_a)                   ;/DE = Var 'var_wrd_a'
   LD HL,32.0                          ;/0tr
   ADD HL,DE                           ;/Add HL & DE Values
   CALL Quig_Str_Str                   ;/ Call Function
   PUSH HL                             ;/x1
   LD HL,(var_wrd_a)
   DEC HL                              ;/Minus 1
   PUSH HL                             ;/x2
   LD DE,(var_wrd_a)                   ;/DE = Var 'var_wrd_a'
   LD HL,10.0                          ;/0tr
   ADD HL,DE                           ;/Add HL & DE Values
   POP DE                              ;/x1
   LD BC,directstr_1                   ;/0
   CALL Quig_Mid                       ;/ Call Function
   POP DE                              ;/x1
   CALL Quig_Str_Add                   ;/Compare strings equals HL=DE
   POP DE                              ;/x1
   CALL Quig_LetString_Refresh         ;/CALL 'Button1.Text.RSet'

After the 1.0 release I do hope to go back and code a pre-compile where it checks the assembler listing for a more efficient version and swaps it out... but that is probably a way off


Could you provide somekind of manual or a small overview for Quigs, especially for the language you can use ( that VB style one )? It would be great to have somekind of "start of the day" or somekind of orientation.
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX

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