
Small PD Graphic display files from the Eighties/Nineties

Started by ComSoft6128, 16:30, 15 April 19

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Quote from: ComSoft6128 on 08:28, 20 May 19Thanks for the links and post,I am working thru them just now.So the "C" demo is disabled or incomplete?

I actually muddled this twoforone demo, so the demo on show here is the C which draws in C shape from Left to Right onscreen and the one which is hidden away is Dragon.
I looked at your video again and noticed the comment which is printed at the end of Line 60 to be absent in your Video, the original line looks like this:

60 PLOT x(p),y(p):DRAW x(p+c),y(p+c):DRAW x(p+c*2),y(p+c*2):REM f=f*-1

If the REM at the end of Line 60 is in place, it will do the C demo, otherwise it will produce the Dragon if the REM is removed.

QuoteWhat would be the purpose of that?

They are both Graphical problems which require some algorithm to decipher the path they travel hence the pattern they both create. There's information about the Dragon Curve on Rosetta curve, but the page becomes quite technical without really explaining it's purpose. Last year I coded a Dragon Curve example for Hisoft Pascal, based on the ZX Spectrum BASIC and found it to be a Compilers Nightmare due to the nature of the way it Looped around itself and filling up Stack Space eventually ending up Crashing the System.

QuoteI have included a short video with this post which was meant to be part of video 7 but frankly after this program took nearly ten minutes to produce one graphic I just gave up. Video 7 (User area 2) should ready Tuesday or Wednesday.
When I have finished with this particular disk I will see what else can be found. I have over two hundred 3.5" D20 disks here which are mostly filled with data (text, email, screen and MicroDesign files) but I'm sure I will find other PD programs that will be of interest.
It is just a pity that some of the better programs I have already looked at (especially the John Valentine "Spatial Data Modelling" files ) are incompatible with the OSSC.


Yes to like the C + Dragon demo which was in ACU, Spirald.bas was published in AA with some Altered lines and is an alternative version of SPIRALU.BAS, both were in AA15 Type-Ins (Dec '86) with the Alternative Lines published below the SPIRALU demo to make SPIRALD.

I've attached some Screenshots of the C & Dragon Demo Below.
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Quote from: ComSoft6128 on 20:09, 21 May 19
PD Graphics 7.

1. Shapes/Spiral (The Final Chapter)

Yes so the values entered won't change the output Spiral produces. It has something to do with the RUN"SPIRAL not clearing the DEG mode, which Shapes sets up. From what I recall in your earlier video it uses COS and SIN to store the values into arrays called co() and si() while in DEG more, though SPIRAL just uses COS and SIN to get it's values. In the Manual the RAD command talks about NEW, CLEAR, LOAD & RUN restoring back to the default mode (RAD), it seems to be true for NEW, CLEAR and RUN, but not LOAD, I tested and this doesn't seem to be true, though if I had LOAD"SPIRAL followed by RUN, the RUN would return BASIC to RAD mode.

Quote2. Worm

I know this one so well, which was published in AA53 Type-Ins (Feb. 1990). It's been modified to add Lines 21 and 22 for the Introduction to it.

Quote3. Channel4 (Also loads a binary file)

A couple of files are loaded, I was almost expecting it to be a BASIC 1.1 Graphic using MOVE, DRAW, FILL to create the iconic Logo, instead it's a Squeezed (Compressed) Screen followed by some Theme Music which almost sounds like the speaker wants to Escape itself.  :D

I found this little video clip which plays a whole range of variations on the theme which I thought was amusing  :D

Quote4. L&R

I'm unsure, but this Left & Right Scrolling Demo seems familiar, but I'm unsure what it's from, I may have picked it up on CPC-Power while looking at Scrolling Examples.
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PD Graphics 8.

Four text Scrollers.

I have only Listed three so will show the missing one in a later video.


Quote from: ComSoft6128 on 16:59, 25 May 19
PD Graphics 8.

Four text Scrollers.

I have only Listed three so will show the missing one in the next video.

David Hall had some nice ones with Omega Scroll and Alpha Scroll, looks like Omega Scroll became part of the Demon PD Library according to CPC-Rulez. Omega Scroll was merely a 10-Liner with Alpha Scroll becoming a full length Listing which got published in ACU as well as AA Type-Ins (by David).  :)
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PD Graphics 9.

Three files this time:


PD Graphics 10.

This short video shows the Listing for qscroll ( video 8 ) and also zigzag.bas.



I thought there was something vaguely famliar with Titles2 demo which has that "PRESS ANY KEY WHEN YOU HEAR THIS NOISE" message, but the rest of it doesn't seem familiar, so maybe I've seen that message in something else?

The Wordmov1 demo is the Revolving Message from AA24 (Sept '87) Type-Ins (as the Source reveals)   :) I think I tried modifying it at one stage to see if I could get each letter from a Word to Revolve, but it doesn't work like that.
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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PD Graphics 11.

This time two text scrollers and a nice little 1990 Xmas greeting from the staff at Amstrad Computer User.
Again, it looks like the performance of the 2nd program is affected by not resetting the 6128 after the 1st program has finished.
I will have a look at that in a later video.


Quote from: ComSoft6128 on 08:08, 29 May 19
PD Graphics 11.

This time two text scrollers and a nice little 1990 Xmas greeting from the staff at Amstrad Computer User.
Again, it looks like the performance of the 2nd program is affected by not resetting the 6128 after the 1st program has finished.
I will have a look at that in a later video.

It's actually from WORDMOV1.BAS (the last programme from the previous demo, I can see the Listing of it at the start of this video, which sets INKs 1,2,3 to 0. The David Hall demo WORDMOV2.BAS only sets INK 1 to Bright Yellow (24) leaving inks 2 & 3 still at 0. The problem in the next programme and even into the Christmas Message when they use INKs 2 & 3 which is set to Black. This is how the Second demo should look.  :)
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Thanks for that AMSDOS,

I record a few videos every week or ten days or so and its sometimes hard to remember all the details/background to some of them.

PD Graphics 12.

1. Wordmov3.bas (working this time)

2. The Display Machine (Display.bas) by Richard Fairhurst. This mimics the LED displays often found in shops and businesses. This excellent program and "Bigrscoll" were the only two large text scrollers that were good enough to be used at the All Formats Computer Fairs back in the early to mid-nineties.


There were more programs to be included in this video but unfortunately a hardware problem prevented their inclusion.



PD Graphics 13.

Three programs this time:

1. -GDEM+.BAS - I stopped this before it finished as the countdown sequence causes the OSSC  to lose sync




Quote from: ComSoft6128 on 20:54, 17 July 19
PD Graphics 13.

Three programs this time:

All from Skull PD by the looks of it, haven't seen them before.

Quote1. -GDEM+.BAS - I stopped this before it finished as the countdown sequence causes the OSSC  to lose sync

It has some OUT commands in it which seem to be playing around with how the Screen is displayed.


I noticed DINO has a few programmes on CPC-Power, though it doesn't look like this was on there.


Might be worth testing some of those alternative FILL routines on this one, though I remember a couple of simple BASIC 10-Liners called Ernie & Bert which drew Ernie & Bert filling in the centre, wonder if that could have been done here. Your Computer ran a little article back in the early days showing how circles could be filled in on a 464.
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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PD Graphics 14.



PD Graphics 15.

2. CONE.BAS - starts at 1:11, go to 7:40 to see the end product.
4. CURTAINS.BAS (curtains?)



Quote from: ComSoft6128 on 12:56, 19 July 19
PD Graphics 14.


LINECYC.BAS looks remarkably similar to a graphical from AA called Serpent. On initial investigation though, I noticed LINECYC.BAS will run on all CPCs, Serpent was BASIC 1.1 only. However when I did a comparison of source code, LINECYC.BAS is much different. Obviously for LINECYC.BAS it draws 2 moving lines (Serpent only does one), though the means LINECYC.BAS moves the Lines is much different from Serpent and yet they appear to very similarly.

Quote2. -NO-SMOK.BAS

Ironically this uses that solid drawing cycle that I was thinking of from the Ernie & Bert, which probably could have been used in the -INDENT.BAS demo.

Quote3. -POPSI.BAS

The OUT commands in this one I think are used to Blank the Screen while it's being drawn, removing them should reveal it's drawing process.

PD Graphics 15.


On my other computer I've created an alternative version of this to improve the animation sequence of it which I can post here if you want.

Quote2. CONE.BAS - starts at 1:11, go to 7:40 to see the end product.

I'm unsure where this David Hall graphical was published. It doesn't seem to be recorded as being on CPC-POWER, it was written in 1988 which was before ACU got the 10-Liners which as I understand initially came from another magazine, from the looks I think it was CPC Computing Magazine, but that all changed from July 1989 when ACU changed it's Logo again to feature Arnie as The Running Man.
Actually scratch all that, I was published in April 1989 issue of ACU. I couldn't find on CPC-POWER because ACU hasn't completely documented all the ACU 10-Liners on their Archive.

Quote3. CUBE.BAS

This looks familiar too and must of been a 10-Liner from ACU. I think it must be Strange Cube by David Mortell which was published March 1989 issue of ACU.

Quote4. CURTAINS.BAS (curtains?)

Bill Hamley made some nice Graphical 10-Liners for ACU and as this one suggests was published in June 1989 issue of ACU. Earlier you had the C and Dragon combo demos, my favourite of his came later from the August 1990 issue of ACU called Endless.
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Hi Amsdos,

Thanks for the link and the background info.

Re. 3DCUBE - Yes if you could post the listing for the alternate version I'm sure that would be of interest to readers of this thread, though for me personally it would be a "pearl before swine"  ::)

In video 17 (will be published in a day or so) I have already recorded a file called "ENDLESS.BAS" which may be the Bill Hamley program you refer to - unfortunately there are no REM statements to confirm that.




Quote from: ComSoft6128 on 06:11, 21 July 19

Re. 3DCUBE - Yes if you could post the listing for the alternate version I'm sure that would be of interest to readers of this thread, though for me personally it would be a "pearl before swine"  ::) 

You'll probably agree that the Movement of the Cube has improved. The original Code was Drawing the Cube in MODE 2 which leaves no room for INK animation. My version is in MODE 1, so I can DRAW one, followed by another invisibly, switch INKs, Delete the Old Cube, Draw the next Cube invisibly, switch inks and the whole Main Loop works around that basically. As for the Source Code, my version looks like a whole new demo with only the DRAWing remaining the same. The code has blown out because I needed additional variables to Delete the Old Cube, which resulted in a Series of points to erase the old cube position. The only odd thing about it is when it begins as a square, because of the way the cube draws and redraws, Exclusive OR (XOR) Screen Mode is used to quickly remove the old cube.

100 MODE 1:INK 1,26:INK 2,1:INK 3,26:BORDER 26:DEG
110 PRINT CHR$(23)+CHR$(1)
120 ORIGIN 320,200:x=200:s=5:c=1
130 n=0
140 GOSUB 2000:c=1:GOSUB 1000
150 c=2
160 n=n+s
170 GOSUB 3000
180 GOSUB 2000:GOSUB 1000:c=1:GOSUB 4000
190 n=n+s:GOSUB 3000
200 INK 2,26:INK 1,1
210 c=1:GOSUB 2000:GOSUB 1000
220 c=2:GOSUB 4000
230 INK 2,1:INK 1,26
240 GOTO 150
1000 MOVE (b+w+a)/2,(m+r+h)/2
1010 DRAWR -w,-r,c:DRAWR -a,-h:DRAWR w,r
1020 MOVE (-b-w+a)/2,(-m-r+h)/2
1030 DRAWR w,r:DRAWR -a,-h:DRAWR -w,-r
1040 MOVE (b-w+a)/2,(m-r+h)/2
1050 DRAWR -b,-m:DRAWR -a,-h:DRAWR b,m
1060 MOVE (-b+w+a)/2,(-m+r+h)/2
1070 DRAWR b,m:DRAWR -a,-h:DRAWR -b,-m
2000 b=x*COS(n):m=0:q=x*SIN(n)
2010 w=-(q*q)/x:r=b:f=b*q/x:a=f:h=q
2020 z=-w-x:RETURN
3000 ob=b:om=m:oq=q
3010 ow=w:olr=r:of=f:oa=a:oh=h
3020 oz=z:RETURN
4000 MOVE (ob+ow+oa)/2,(om+olr+oh)/2
4010 DRAWR -ow,-olr,c:DRAWR -oa,-oh:DRAWR ow,olr
4020 MOVE (-ob-ow+oa)/2,(-om-olr+oh)/2
4030 DRAWR ow,olr:DRAWR -oa,-oh:DRAWR -ow,-olr
4040 MOVE (ob-ow+oa)/2,(om-olr+oh)/2
4050 DRAWR -ob,-om:DRAWR -oa,-oh:DRAWR ob,om
4060 MOVE (-ob+ow+oa)/2,(-om+olr+oh)/2
4070 DRAWR ob,om:DRAWR -oa,-oh:DRAWR -ob,-om

QuoteIn video 17 (will be published in a day or so) I have already recorded a file called "ENDLESS.BAS" which may be the Bill Hamley program you refer to - unfortunately there are no REM statements to confirm that.

It wouldn't surprise me, the original code published in ACU actually has 11 Lines, I've attached an image of it below.


* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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PD Graphics 16.

3. -TD.BAS


Seriously, I had to Google Taylor Dayne to get Total Recall, a lot of work has gone into to Produce that nice Text, like the Channel 4, I thought this might of included some Digitized Music.

Again I couldn't find these demos on CPC-Power, Andrew (who is also referred to as Andy) Price contributed some Type-Ins for AA and ACU, but I remember him more for his Mastering Machine Code Series AA72-AA82 as I may not of taken up Assembly if it wasn't for him.
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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PD Graphics 17.

1. ENDLESS.BAS - not quite endless, when making this video I thought I recognised it from a previous video so cut it short.
And yes @AMSDOS it indeed looks like the program by Bill Hamley that you LISTed earlier in the thread. :)
4. FUZZY.BAS - this one is strictly for nostalgic fans of late night/early morning analogue TV, unfortunately the audio is out of sync by 9 seconds. Regarding the audio, I played ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter by Digital Integration) for years and the audio component when the plane is in flight sounds identical to the output from this BASIC file, any ideas?


Quote from: ComSoft6128 on 12:43, 23 July 19
PD Graphics 17.

1. ENDLESS.BAS - not quite endless, when making this video I thought I recognised it from a previous video so cut it short.
And yes @AMSDOS it indeed looks like the program by Bill Hamley that you LISTed earlier in the thread. :) 

I remember that issue of ACU quite well, having starting to collect AA in 1989, my Dad brought a couple of them in the early years, though one month (in 1989) I must of missed AA and brought ACU which was the 1st issue with the new look logo and Arnie as the Running Man. I remember being very disappointed with that magazine as it had no 10-Liners in it and one large BASIC 1.1 Listing. It was a bit frustrating having a 464 then as I was becoming more serious about typing in Type-Ins and not really knowing what I could or couldn't do. As a result of that magazine, I decided not to take another look until the following year. The 1st magazine I got that year I think was August 1990 issue with the Snow Strike plane on the front page, which had 2 of Bills Demos in it, Endless and Balls in the Air which was cute.


This ones a mystery, it reminds me of the Mosiac Listing from AA45 Type-Ins, except this is in Mode 2. Unsure if it would have been a Type-In as one of the Lines has a Control Code in it (they usually become a Nightmare to Print in a Magazine as it may show as something else or not at all).

* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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PD Graphics 18.

2. GRAPHO.BAS - "Improper argument in 10" - ?
4. HEART.BAS - For Valentine's day


I only recognise HEART.BAS which is Valentine and was published in the March 1989 issue of ACU. Looks like it was written on a 464 and is using PLOT to slowly Fill the Heart.  :o

I'm unsure where Groovy is from, through the Listing appears as if it came from a Magazine.

GRAPHO.BAS - I don't know why it's an Improper Argument in 10, perhaps KEY 139 is an illegal key number? Perhaps Delete that line then RUN it, from the looks Line 10 is only there for when the Coder had to do some Debugging.
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Yes, I'll delete that line next time I'm back in Glasgow and see what the result is.



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