
UniLoad, an universal game launcher for Amstrad CPC and Amstrad Plus

Started by OffseT, 09:30, 10 November 24

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I was finally able to properly package UniLoad and its related database generation tool.

UniLoad is a frontend GUI to easily launch games which are installed on an UniDOS compatible drive.
It is controllable thru keyboard and joystick.

It is provided with a default game collection of about 1000 games.
This compilation is not fully functional, some titles won't work because of mistakes or because the game is not UniDOS compatible (usually no file version available).
The compilation was created by Barjack, but since he resigned the project, don't expect any fix.

That said, this official release comes with UniLoad Database Creator, which is a graphical tool (for MorphOS, Amiga, macOS, Windows and Linux) which let you create your own database (which contains all information about games to include in UniLoad list).
A complete help is included in the tool (check "Help" menu).

So, now it is up to you to create and publish compilations of your preferred games!


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