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Computing with the Amstrad TYPE-IN PROJECT

Started by robbarton, 12:53, 28 June 20

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Quote from: AMSDOS on 12:45, 20 August 20

Is there an image source somewhere of CWTA TYPE-INS from 1987 that I could help you with?

I can help too, I have all the CWTA scans.



I've been really busy back at work and sorting out home stuff but I will be able to refocus from tonight. For Jan 1987 I still need to type in Fun Factors, and I need to get the Array Adds assembled somehow - I recall a BASIC assembler from an earlier CWTA so might have to go back to that.
This is what I have left to do so far (anything not listed below I already have): NB this list is from CPC Power, I've not checked the actual names from the issues yet

Feb 87 - Punctuation
Mar 87 - Dragon Curves, Rsx Part 3, Disabling roms routine, Raw Assembler
Apr 87 - 3D Surface plotting, Basic compiler (April fool?), ShortPro Text Editor
May 87 - Fractals, Mandelbrot Set, Ball, Faster Disc, Relocator, Data64
Jun 87 - Relocator, Rambuffer, Fandango, Circle, Fast Dragon
Jul 87 - Income Tax Calculator, Amstrad Rom, Aliens
Aug 87 - Ripple, Xor, Xfile, Dragon curve II, Towers of Hanoi, Pythagorous Triples
Sep 87 - Calendar, Spirograph, Disc Maintenance, Doily, Blitz, One Dimensional Automata
Oct 87 - Square Curves, Watch It, X*Graph, Trees, Landscape, Stop Press Page Printer
Nov 87 - Random Access Filing Part I, BASIC Nobbling, Biorhythms, 3D Cube, Muzakology, 3D Plot, Fontpro, Fontdes, 498 Columns
Dec 87 - Espionage, Printer Echo, Random Access Filing Part II, Knight's Tour, Pokmuncher, Country Garden, Character Definer, 3-Flash, Big big Characters, Molecular Matrix

If you would like to help out with one or two that would be great, just post to this forum which ones you are taking so I don't do them too!



Sorry, to answer your question: the CWTA 1987 scans can be found at 

choose REVUES from the left hand menu then English UK and CWTA from the right hand window  (apologies for the mangled link, it should still work)

Johnny Olsen

I found my Computing With The Amstrad index file. Maybe you can use it.
It is a comma separated text file that is easy to import into other programs.

Can see you are missing "3D OXO"


87-02,February,002,CWTA,95,3D OXO,Game,Craig Winder

I also found the improved backgammon file - need to check it.


Thank you @Johnny Olsen , I'll look through that list.
I notice 3D OXO is a PCW only type in so I'll not be adding it to the CPCWiki.


I'll start working on the Dec '87 issue.

Quote from: Johnny Olsen on 18:53, 20 August 20
Can see you are missing "3D OXO"

Haven't converted a PCW listing before, though I could always have a look at it and see if it's possible.
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Updated issue 25 (January 1987) on the wiki:

Apologies for the delay, the listings for Rollaball and Fun Factors were swapped over i.e. appeared in the wrong sections... lost a bit of time working out what was going on!


Thank you @AMSDOS , any listings you could contribute would be welcome. Hopefully the rest of 1987 is more straightforward than January!


Issue 36 (Dec '87) is on the Wiki:

Except for the Cheats mode type-ins, I've typed in Everything else, fingers cross the 10-Liners have been Debugged, I was able to Checksum Espionage & Stonefear Castle, thanks @Johnny Olsen for the Checksum checker. I've also added the Logo demo Koch Curve and Assembly sample to assist with reader and made notes to help people load those examples.

Had a lot of interesting Typeins I thought, with Espionage being an interesting Explorer with Problems to Solve and the 10-Liners Knight's Tour, Pokmuncher, Country Garden, Trap & Molecular Matrix standing out, besides Pokmuncher which was a really addictive game, the others were puzzling but kept me occupied!
The Koch curve was also a bit of fun, hadn't played with Logo for a long time though, but was cool to see it working, from my hacked to work on 464 CP/M Plus DSK.  :D
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Great work @AMSDOS , at this rate it'll all be finished by September! Seriously though, thanks for the help. Where I had listed the type-ins to be completed in an earlier post, the ones I had missed off the list I have already found on CPC Power or CPCRulez; for example, November 1987 I have Centibug, Diamond Trap and Printer Font designer. So do a Google or check these sites first before retyping anything!
Updated issue 26 (February 1987) on the wiki:


Oh and in case anyone REALLY REALLY wanted to type out the PCW type-ins, it turns out there is indeed a PCW-Wiki... see this post on the CPCWiki forum:

So maybe check that out first in case they've already been done.


Quote from: robbarton on 18:33, 23 August 20
Great work @AMSDOS , at this rate it'll all be finished by September! Seriously though, thanks for the help. Where I had listed the type-ins to be completed in an earlier post, the ones I had missed off the list I have already found on CPC Power or CPCRulez; for example, November 1987 I have Centibug, Diamond Trap and Printer Font designer. So do a Google or check these sites first before retyping anything!
Updated issue 26 (February 1987) on the wiki:

Cool, so I typed in some really nice Games & Graphicals which aren't on CPC-POWER or CPC-RULEZ.  :D

I've Downloaded Nov '87, so I'll grab Centibug, Diamond Trap & the Printer Font designer code. Just a shame the 10-Liners don't include Checksum codes fingers crossed I fixed all the typos.
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Issue 35 Type-Ins from CWTA Nov 1987 are now on the Wiki:

With thanks to the peviously available programmes from this issue.  :)
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Hello all,I'm throwing myself at your mercy - the CPC Fractals program from May 1987 is doing my head in!

I am getting an IMPROPER ARGUMENT in 1450 - but the line looks ok to me. I've attached my dsk image, the file is FRACTALS.BAS. The scan isn't the clearest (see CPC Rulez for a copy

Now, while I was casting about trying to find alternative sources I came across what looks to be the same basic code but translated into Portuguese. That listing is on CPC Rulez here:
The DATA lines are handled differently (and more clearly in my opinion, the original is quite horrid to follow). However I can't see how I can mix and match the code and work out what I've done wrong in the original. Quite possibly an error elsewhere and 1450 is a red herring.

Any help is greatly appreciated - the rest of May 1987 is ready to go on the wiki.


Quote from: robbarton on 19:44, 07 September 20
Any help is greatly appreciated

Here you have a scan of page 32 (high quality)  8)

Johnny Olsen

Errors in line 1860 and 1920 Corrected


1920 DATA JkKEzD?Cm=A>CGi>[LIq>Iq[Iq[Dj

I have not checked the rest of the program,
but line 330 error appeared when I wanted to
save The mandelbrot set
Arrrggg Robbarton  :(

330 SAVE a$,B,&C000,&3F80

Johnny Olsen


Including the 4 pictures suggested in table I
+ mandelbrot set and zoom1 pictures

I was playing with the Free Ocr program, which
resulted in the note file.


@Urusergi   thank you for that crystal clear scan - so 1450 was correct...

and thanks @Johnny Olsen for finding the "Easter Eggs" I'd introduced  :-[   in my defence the $/S in 1860 is clear as mud on my scan, but the s$/a$ and all the rest, oops. Should hopefully have this up on the wiki tonight - I'll include your Fractals notes and suggested values.

Johnny Olsen

You don't have to defend anything, but after waiting for a screen to be drawn, then the save
routine does not work.

Luckily I did not use a real Amstrad, looks like it would take hours to draw a picture.

Thank you for all your good work.

Johnny Olsen


Finally updated issue 29 (May 1987) on the wiki:

Thanks to @Johnny Olsen and @Urusergi in particular for getting this one over the line. Hopefully that will be the hardest of the lot!


I had a bit of a play of Crane Crawl, though I had to wonder if the Crane has to drop the Bricks where the Man is Standing? Initially, it seems to behave itself, though later on when I'm playing the game, the Crane places the Bricks along the next positions. ???

There's also a problem with the Program Structure box with Initialisation beginning at 220, even when I subtract 220 with 80 and get a result of 140, the listing doesn't match up and towards the back end of the programme is meant to be a routine to play a Tune, though this Listing doesn't have anything like that, so perhaps some corrections were added later perhaps?
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Johnny Olsen

In the July 1987 issue page 60 you have an explanation of the wrong program structure.

Here is a version with manual and music that I found on an old disk.

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