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General Category => Emulators => Topic started by: Beaps on 14:57, 05 July 15

Title: Caprice32 Full Screen
Post by: Beaps on 14:57, 05 July 15
Hi all

OK been tinkering again trying to find the best Emu for my setup. Caprice32 seems to be the best but it never starts on full screen, I have to press the "`" key (to the left of key 1)

Also I am trying to add it to gamebase but I aint skilled enough to write the script. I can get the Emu to start in GB but not insert the disk/tape & autostart.

Can anyone help me out please

Title: Re: Caprice32 Full Screen
Post by: KaosOverride on 01:04, 06 July 15
Which version of Caprice32? The original opensource 4.x has no GUI or menues. Disk is inserted at command line. Also there are no Autoboot/Autorun options.

I had to code my own GUI and autorun routines for CapriceGP2x/CapriceRPI2 for the Gamepark console and Raspberry PI2....

For the full screen at startup, you should edit your CAP32.CFG.
Title: Re: Caprice32 Full Screen
Post by: ZbyniuR on 12:07, 06 July 15
I prefer older version 3.6.1 from 2003, there is menus and options setting by mouse. :)
Title: Re: Caprice32 Full Screen
Post by: KaosOverride on 14:29, 06 July 15
Yes, but it's only for Windows, isn't it? :(
Title: Re: Caprice32 Full Screen
Post by: CraigsBar on 14:33, 06 July 15
I am very tempted to try caprice for my raspberry pi ;)
Title: Re: Caprice32 Full Screen
Post by: KaosOverride on 16:13, 06 July 15
Do you have Pi1 or Pi2?

For Pi1 you can try CPC4RPI, or what is nearly the same: Caprice32 forced to 320x240 and linked to DISPMANX SDL for Raspberry. No menues and you have to use command line options.

For Pi2 you have also CapriceRPI2, my port for Pi2 of my past port CapriceGP2x (for the GP2x handheld). But because I used 720x534 to print all the border I lost power for the Pi1 (at stock speed), that's why CapriceRPI2 is for now only for Pi2 (or overclocked Pi1, but not tested)

I'm tiding up some issues wirh the autorun options an some aditions to the rendering part, then will try some code to detect Pi version an have the option to downgrade to 320x240 if Pi1 is detected, then we can have Caprice for Pi1 with menues, virtual keyboard, joystick 1 and 2 support...

I want Caprice RPI2 to be gaming and easy to use oriented (To only need a joystick to use all options) but you still can use a normal keyboard with it. For use at retropie, or other "consolized" ways where you only have joysticks, and keyboard is only an option.
Title: Re: Caprice32 Full Screen
Post by: CraigsBar on 16:34, 06 July 15
I only have a pi1, but I am lucky in that mine runs solidly well even when overclocked to 1.1ghz. 

I gave up on cpc4rpi as no disc change support. Boooo!

I compiled Arnold on the pi with the above level of over clock and it was about 90% amstrad plus performance.
Title: Re: Caprice32 Full Screen
Post by: Beaps on 08:34, 10 July 15
I got pi 2 and I am running retropie. The Amstrad emulator on that seems to run great.
Title: Re: Caprice32 Full Screen
Post by: KaosOverride on 23:52, 10 July 15
Cpc4rpi and capriceeRPI share the same original Caprice32 4.1.0 core. But CapriceRPI comes from my port to GP2X and has all the options an menus that I coded arround 2007 for better handling. Disk, tape and snapshot loader, virtual keyboard for people that just uses the retropie with joysticks and no keyboard, autorun features for disk and tape (again, to forget about real keyboards)

Yes, you can change disk, rewind tape and replay, etc... Add memory up to 576, select green monitor...

I'm working on next WIP version. Now I have support for lowres modes without or with border, 320x240 and 384x270, full speed at RPI1, and hires without and with border 640x480 and 768x540, for scanlines, interlaced or progressive rendering, fullspeed at the RPI2, and barely the 640x480 at RPI1 (Want interlaced highres with border? well, I have frameskip option....)

cpc4rpi is fine but needs many work. Fortunately I have much of that work made from my past with capriceGP2x :)

Overclocking is fine but I allways try to develop with stock speed in mind as target ;)
Title: Re: Caprice32 Full Screen
Post by: Beaps on 15:33, 16 July 15
Cant wait for that release Kaos
Title: Re: Caprice32 Full Screen
Post by: KaosOverride on 20:49, 16 July 15
Try the WIP2 at the CapriceRPI threath!! 8)
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