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Newer versions of WinAPE no longer working

Started by MartinJSUK, 18:32, 09 September 24

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First post. I never actually owned a CPC, but I've checked out a few games for it and can see the appeal. I've been using WinAPE, I've found it to be slow in fullscreen (on a fairly recent PC, which runs WinUAE Amiga emulation smoothly, and that's a more technically complex system) but after installing CPCEC (which I also can't get to work, that's another story) it no longer works after trying to set it to full screen. Whenever I open it, I'm getting an error message "TDDPalette.SetAllEntries.SetEntries: Generic Failure. (-2147467259)" (can't see any significance to the number). Deleting everything and reinstalling it doesn't seem to help. I've even tried editing the config file, but to no avail. What's going on?


You may want to check the Retro Virtual Machine instead. It's very straightforward:


mayby try manualy change WinAPE.ini file.

Part of that...

Refresh Rate=13
Display Mode=1
Sound Mode=2
Sound Volume=7
Full Screen=false
Direct Video=true
Sound Bits=16
Sound Stereo=true
Sound Frame Delay=5,1
Show ASIC=false
Keyboard File=
CRTC Type=0
Auto Run=false
Disable Update=false
Turbo Mode=false
Joystick Enabled=true
AMX Mouse Enabled=false
Emulation Speed=100
Frame Skip=false
VHOLD Position=0
Full Screen 16=false
CPC 6128, Whole 6128 and Only 6128, with .....
NewPAL v3 for use all 128kB RAM by CRTC as VRAM
TYPICAL :) TV Funai 22FL532/10 with VGA-RGB-in.


You might try to rename your WinAPE folder, like explained in this post :
Or change the compatibility mode to Win7.


Nope. My folder is already just C:\Program Files\WinApe. Copied the text in. Launches into Windowed mode successfully when I select Windows XP as the Compatibility mode (setting the mode as Vista or later causes it to crash immediately), but as soon as I go into Full Screen it crashes with the same error - need to copy the text back in to get it to even start again. Might have to try RetroVM?


Mayby your pc no has 8bit or 16 bit colours
This is Win 11?
CPC 6128, Whole 6128 and Only 6128, with .....
NewPAL v3 for use all 128kB RAM by CRTC as VRAM
TYPICAL :) TV Funai 22FL532/10 with VGA-RGB-in.


I do have Windows 11, does this mean that full screen no longer works on WinAPE? I can see that it hasn't been updated for a few years. Will earlier versions work? I've tried RetroVM but I can't find all the settings, and I'm not instinctively keen on the presentation or styling of it. I couldn't get CPCEC to recognise my keyboard presses as anything other than CPCEC commands rather than Amstrad-equivalent keypresses.


I have Windows 11 too and winape is working full screen. What happens exactly in your computer? Does Winape crash?

I have tested with Saboteur and latest Dark Knight. Only thing, when I press F10 for full screen, it takes around 2 seconds to show the image.


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