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Converted GX4000 .cpr - The topic (repository link in first post)

Started by remax, 22:14, 04 May 15

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Quote from: GUNHED on 17:35, 26 June 23Fits into 64 K
Gryzor already fits in 64K without music.

No, I think the idea is to give Plus colours to the game. But this time, sorry @CyrilAmstrad , I have to admit that the original colours were so well chosen by Mark K. Jones that the difference is more difficult to discern here. Maybe it's better to leave its beautiful neon colors to this game, so representative of the CPC game library ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


The idea is to fit music in 64k version as well , and about colors , it's smooth touch - indeed- to not go overboard. That's the aim.
Then, More révélant in CRT as this capture from emulation.
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Ok, and talking about it ;) , what about a new version for one of the most famous CPC games, thanks to master @Urusergi this time with all features patched and even more :

GRYZOR from Ocean

Menu controls:
J1LEFT = 1 player game
J1RIGHT = 2 player game
J1B2 = Start game
Pause button = Ingame music on/off (128k only)

Ingame controls:
J1B1 = Fire
J1B2/J1UP = Jump up
J1DOWN = Jump down
Pause button = Pause game (Pause button again to quit game, any other button to resume game)

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Wait for fire to skip title screen
    - All keys remapped
    - Pokes : unlimited lives, invulnerability, keep gun on death

Have a nice week everyone., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


A little one to end the week-end (or start the week, as you want):

VEXED (v1.08) by Under4Mhz

Many thanks to Under4Mhz for agreeing to modify his game at my request so that it is fully playable on GX4000.

J1B1 = Action
J1B2 = Restart level

More informations here :

Have a nice week everyone, and have nice holidays for the ones that stop working for a while, hoping that the summer will be conducive to many conversions for our beloved GX4000  8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


It's summer time!  8)

if you're ok, we continue fixing games converted a little bit too fast. Here comes.

SHUFFLEPUCK CAFE by Broderbund/Microids

The game seems to work directly, just converting it to CPR, but... it's forgetting that there is an important option menu that appears pressing the spacebar while playing with important features.

So here is a new version 100% patched. This is the floppy disc version that has been patched, offering a glass breaking animation laking in the tape version. Of course, the save option doesn't work on cartridge, but it isn't a problem has the game can be mastered without saving. This version includes a saved tournament that will make you face Biff Raunch, the last opponent, for the winning point. Win the point and you'll win the tournament. Just load tournament in any ingame menu to try it.

This game is in French language only on CPC. So I added a complete translation of the menus in English in the TXT, dudes!

J1B1 = Fire
J1B2 = Enter ingame menu
Pause Button = Pause game

Modifications for this GX4000 version:
  - On highscore table, direct entry of "VISITEUR" (press J1B1 to confirm),
  - Remapping of the spacebar to J1B2 and ESC to the Pause button to pause game,
  - Pause mode bug fixed (sometimes impossible to resume game),
  - Lexan animation bug fixed (when he drinks his Champagne after winning a point),
  - Lowercase letters in the highscore table bug fixed., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 17:24, 15 July 23It's summer time!  8)

if you're ok, we continue fixing games converted a little bit too fast. Here comes.

SHUFFLEPUCK CAFE by Broderbund/Microids
I would be remiss forgetting to mention that this wonderful patch has been done once again by @Urusergi 8)  Sorry dude for this omission, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


@Kukulcan released a new game for GX4000 to celebrate the 42th anniversary of a great game of our childhood :

OCTOPUS from CPC.Power / Team Galaxy

J1UP/DOWN = Choose game A/B
J1LEFT/J1B1 = Go left
J1RIGHT/J1B2 = Go right
Pause button = Pause game and music on/off

More informations here:, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


This week, a nice fix from @Urusergi for


Those who actually played the game's original patch from @Urusergi and @Phantomz released in 2015 must have noticed a bug in the HUD. This is not a problem related to the patch but an incompatibility with the "Plus" range. And this bug only appears on a "real" machine, no emulator encounters the problem (this also means that we are still far from a perfect emulation). Well... @Urusergi fixed his own patch :P !

Into The Eagle's Nest is imo a very important game from the personal computing universe of the 80s. One of those games that were of the caliber of those that could be played on consoles and that we can still recommend to a player nowadays. It is therefore a real pleasure to be able to have a perfect patch today, from the controls to entering your name in the highscore table, now including the display.

Have a nice week everyone  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


A new game for our beloved GX4000 :D :

BLOKTRIS from Under4Mhz

Based on the original DOS version (from Spectrum Holobyte), play the classic block matching game now with the classic background images. This version also offers Nintendo's gameplay upgrades like the ability to turn shapes clockwise and anti-clockwise, or to drop them down line by line.

J1 LEFT = Move shape to the left
J1 RIGHT = Move shape to the right
J1 DOWN = Drop shape
J1 UP = View next shape on/off
J1B1 = Spin shape anti-clockwise
J1B2 = Spin shape clockwise

What is nice with this version is that, thanks to Under4Mhz, the 2 historical versions of TETRIS are now available on CPC and GX4000/Plus machines. Now you have the choice : the official one from Mirrorsoft recently enhanced for GX4000, or this unofficial conversion of the game from Mirrorsoft with some Nintendo features upgrading the gameplay  8) .

More informations here :, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Ok guys, holidays are perfect for Taito's cute games. So we continue with @Urusergi with another important game in the CPC game library, too much quickly converted at the beginning of the project ;)  without any modification.


J1B1 = Fire (start game on main screen)
J1B2/J1UP = Jump (add credits on main screen)
Pause button = Pause game (J1B1 = Resume game, J1B2 = Quit current game)

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Wait for fire to skip title screen
    - All keys remapped
    - J1B2 to jump (but purists can enjoy a version that maintains "up")
    - Pokes : Infinite lives, skip level on death

As you can see, this new patch offers nice features like pause/quit options and 2nd button to jump 8) . Once again, many thanks @Urusergi, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


This time a little rest before other upgrades with two new little French games:



It's the only games from this little French team, born... and dead in 1987. Hard life on the videogame market jungle at the time  ;D The games themselves are cute, despite a little bit hazardous gameplay.

To start the game in Les Cavernes De Thénébé, go to the password system on the left on the main screen and use GBQ as password for level 1 (as shown during the attract mode too).

Cheers everyone! I hope you enjoy a sweet and restful august month  8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


I just discovered  :D :

MERMAID MADNESS from Electric Dreams / Activision

I can't resist the urge to share it tonight with those who don't know it yet. But how could such a game have been created and published by Electric Dreams / Activision? The 80s, what a great time  :laugh: A perfect game for summer holidays that directly works on GX4000 (d-pad to move and J1B1 to take/drop an item)

Run, Mirtle might fall in love with you and she's ready to scour the seabed to find you  :o, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


This time a very impressive work from master @Urusergi , providing a real console conversion for :


Yes, once again a new patch for an already converted game. But it was important to repatch this one correctly, a so emblematic game on CPC  8)

J1 d-pad = Move Player 1
J1B1 = Player 1 fire
J1B2 = Player 1 toggle
J2 d-pad = Move Player 2
J2B1 = Player 2 fire
J2B2 = Player 2 toggle
Pause button = Pause game (J1B1 = Resume game, J1B2 = Quit current game)

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Two versions: Original title screen and alternate title screen by STE86,
    - All control definition screens removed,
    - Key definition option removed from main menu,
    - Start game using joypad 1 for 1 or 2 players,
    - All controls set by default on joypads for each player,
    - Pokes = Infinite lives and invulnerability.

Removing the control definition menus and mapping all controls on both joypads by default was the main objective, making this great game as logical to play on GX4000 as if it was an official release. But no more memory was available to modify the highscore table better than letting the players press fire to skip it without any entry, sorry for that. On 464/6128 Plus range computers, you can use the keyboard to cease your name as usual.

Enjoy this great game so smoothly on GX4000., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


What a great surprise. Jean-Mario... Ahem, excuse-me, @Jean-Marie , @OneVision and Lunoka juste released an impressive upgrade of a famous game for CPC and GX4000:

MARIO BROS (2023 expanded version) from ocean

Nice mode 0 GFX (based on SNES sprites if I look well), cute musics and 2 player mode available on both joypads by default, it's far more than just a hack and clearly what we expected back in 1987.

Game and informations here:, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 15:37, 07 September 23What a great surprise. Jean-Mario... Ahem, excuse-me, @Jean-Marie , @OneVision and Lunoka juste released an impressive upgrade of a famous game for CPC and GX4000:

MARIO BROS (2023 expanded version) from ocean

Nice mode 0 GFX (based on SNES sprites if I look well), cute musics and 2 player mode available on both joypad by default, it's far more than just a hack and clearly what we expected back in 1987.

Game and informations here:
Indeed I worked from Super Mario World SNES sprites ! Thanks Bro !


We continue to greet our beloved GX4000 with new patches for games that deserve more care. Many thanks for all efforts to @dragon and his unlimited skill ;D on:

TWINWORLD from Ubi Soft

d-pad = Move
J1B1 = Fire
J1B2 = Change weapon
J2B1 = Pause/unpause game
J2B2 = Suicide
Pause button = Call the shop keeper

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Main menu removed, just replaced by 'PRESS FIRE1 TO START GAME'
    - All necessary controls patched on a single joypad and pause button
    - Pokes = Infinite lives and ammunitions

This patch is based on a one-sided version of the game from CNG Soft. Many thanks to him for this initial work. @Urusergi kindly removed the overscan CNG's logo and usual screen appearance to focus attention on the game first. He provided a version without pokes too  8)
It was necessary to remap pause and suicide functions on joypad 2. It's not optimal, but these last functions can be kept on joypad 2 as there are not necessary to play the game., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


To end this gorgious week for GX4000, @CyrilAmstrad just released his :

GHOST TRICK from Ayor61

More informations on this nice little production available exclusively on cartridge for GX4000/Plus here 8) :, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 09:53, 10 September 23To end this gorgious week for GX4000, @CyrilAmstrad just released his :

GHOST TRICK from Ayor61

More informations on this nice little production available exclusively on cartridge for GX4000/Plus here 8) :
Thanks a lot ! Yes and already Amstrad Maniaque tried it hard and competed it until final boss oO ! Original Homebrew build for our beloved Gx4000 👀👍🏻 
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It's week-end, it's GX4000 time. This time two little French game typically representative from the time:


TORANN from Loriciels

Not a lot of thing to say on these initiation games normally designed for children but which turn out to be demonically poorly calibrated, just the way we like them  :P

Other repatches of more famous CPC games are on the road, but these little games are also nice oppotunitive to discover new title never seen before for many of us  :D, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 08:49, 09 September 23We continue to greet our beloved GX4000 with new patches for games that deserve more care. Many thanks for all efforts to @dragon and his unlimited skill ;D on:

TWINWORLD from Ubi Soft

d-pad = Move
J1B1 = Fire
J1B2 = Change weapon
J2B1 = Pause/unpause game
J2B2 = Suicide
Pause button = Call the shop keeper

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Main menu removed, just replaced by 'PRESS FIRE1 TO START GAME'
    - All necessary controls patched on a single joypad and pause button
    - Pokes = Infinite lives and ammunitions

This patch is based on a one-sided version of the game from CNG Soft. Many thanks to him for this initial work. @Urusergi kindly removed the overscan CNG's logo and usual screen appearance to focus attention on the game first. He provided a version without pokes too  8)
It was necessary to remap pause and suicide functions on joypad 2. It's not optimal, but these last functions can be kept on joypad 2 as there are not necessary to play the game.

The thing is that there are 3 heat waves in a row of 40 degrees, that's why I couldn't go near the computer to finish It :D.


After Ikari Warriors, it was logical to repatch its sequel. So this weekend master @Urusergi offers you 8) :


J1 d-pad = Move Player 1
J1B1 = Player 1 fire
J1B2 = Player 1 toggle
J2 d-pad = Move Player 2
J2B1 = Player 2 fire
J2B2 = Player 2 toggle
Pause button = Pause game (J1B1 = Resume game, J1B2 = Quit current game)

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Two versions: Original title screen and alternate one by Darkgate,
      modified by iXien to include the Imagine and SNK logos,
    - All control definition screens removed,
    - Key definition option removed from main menu,
    - Start game using joypad 1 for 1 or 2 players,
    - All controls set by default on joypads for each player,
    - Poke = Infinite lives.

Like with Ikari Warriors, removing the control definition menus and mapping all controls on both joypads by default was the main objective, making this great game as logical to play on GX4000 as if it was an official release. But no more memory was available to modify the highscore table better than letting the players press fire to skip it without any entry, sorry for that. On 464/6128 Plus range computers, you can use the keyboard to cease your name as usual.

Victory Road is often underestimated and criticized, what is puzzling as it's a straight extension to Ikari Warriors, particularly in this Amstrad CPC release. Maybe the science-fiction theme wasn't so much loved at the time than the "war in the jungle" background. The ability to drive tanks was lovable, but the feature to change weapon is very nice here too. Anyway, if you liked Ikari Warriors, you will surely enjoy Victory Road nowadays, so smoothly patched on GX4000  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


And I didn't see that Churrosoft released a new game some months ago, including a GX4000 cpr file :


More informations here :, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Although I rarely ask anything of this forum or its members, can someone update the Full Set (2023-03-05) to the latest

Thank you :)

Also great work for all the conversions !!
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Quote from: Neil79 on 17:19, 23 September 23Although I rarely ask anything of this forum or its members, can someone update the Full Set (2023-03-05) to the latest

Thank you :)

Also great work for all the conversions !!
As you can see, the file is up to date from 2023-03-05. It's @remax that is in charge of maintaining the file up to date. But it takes time and the idea is to update it each year. For my part, I upgrade an excel file in which I reference all the new GX4000 patches and games. If all is ok and if we don't fall behind, we'll upgrade the list and the file at the beginning of the new year.

Consider that the last file included in the last update is CPC SOCCER here :

Download all the games provided from REVENGE OF TRASMOZ (page 143 to 145) and you'll have all games available in your storage ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


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